Hot food takeaway Supplementary Planning Document
Gateshead currently has a high level of obesity, and we aim to reduce this substantially. Our ambition is to reduce the number of obese children in year six to less than 10% by 2025.
The link between planning and health has been set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (opens new window) and is integrated in our emerging Local Plan. One of the ways in which planning can have the greatest impact on health, and in particular obesity levels, is the restriction of new hot food takeaways.
This Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is one component in the wider Council Health and Wellbeing Strategy for tackling unhealthy lifestyles and obesity.
This Supplementary Planning Document sets out the Council's priorities and objectives in relation to planning control of hot food takeaways. It elaborates upon existing and emerging policy in relation to health and wellbeing.
The SPD was adopted by Cabinet on 2 June 2015. An addendum to the SPD was published in September 2020.
Addendum 2020 Hot Food Takeaway Supplementary Planning Document (PDF, 74 KB)(opens new window)
Hot food takeaway SPD 2015 (PDF, 468 KB)(opens new window)
Consultation statement (PDF, 38 KB)(opens new window)
Hot food takeaway adoption statement (PDF, 37 KB)(opens new window)