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Coatsworth Road Conservation Area Management Strategy SPD

We are consulting on the draft Appendix 1 to the Detailed Design Guidance (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window) to the Coatsworth Conservation Area Shopfront Design Guide. This consists of detailed design guidance to help property owners design and secure planning permission for new shopfronts, signage and advertising, and illumination. 

View the consultation statement (PDF, 93 KB)(opens new window) from the last round of consultation which ended on 12 September 2018.

If you would like to comment please respond in writing to

We successfully bid for a Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) on Coatsworth Road in Bensham and Saltwell. This brought in over £1.9 million of investment over five years. The project ran from December 2012 to December 2017 delivering:

  • grants to repair and restore 25 priority historic buildings on Coatsworth Road
  • grants to bring empty properties back into use
  • some public realm improvements
  • activities to involve local traders in supporting small businesses, and local people in maintaining buildings and practical skills, and improving the local knowledge of conservation, design and planning

We hope that by restoring the historic environment, the quality of life for people living, working and shopping on Coatsworth Road will be improved.

Coatsworth Road Conservation Area Management Strategy SPD (PDF, 22 MB)(opens new window)

Shopfront Design Guide (PDF, 7 MB)(opens new window)