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Ripples of Despair -  Shining a light on the impact of lives lost to alcohol, drugs, and suicide (2024)

The local picture; deaths by alcohol, drugs and suicide in Gateshead

The statistics surrounding alcohol, drugs and suicide paint a stark picture of loss in Gateshead.

Between 2003 and 2023, 307 lives were lost to suicide in Gateshead (15). To put the number of suicides over the last two decades into perspective, the figure is nearly three times the number of road traffic deaths in the same period (16). 

In addition, 321 people in Gateshead died from drug-related causes (17), and 667 more from alcohol-specific conditions over the same time period (18).

It is important to note that alcohol-specific deaths only account for issues like liver disease, leaving out broader alcohol-related harm such as heart disease or cancers. The true toll of alcohol is likely far higher (19).

Trends for death by alcohol, drugs and suicide in England (2012-2023)
These are not just numbers - they are mothers, fathers, friends and children, each leaving behind grieving families and communities.  

In more recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on alcohol-specific deaths. Nationally, the sharp rise in alcohol-specific deaths during the pandemic was linked to increased alcohol consumption, especially among those already drinking heavily (20). Shifts in drinking habits, like more regular drinking at home, have deeply rooted alcohol in daily life, increasing its harm (21).

Sadly, Gateshead has experienced rising numbers of deaths from alcohol, drugs and suicide. For alcohol-related deaths alone, there were 283 deaths from 2020 to 2022, equating to 52.8 deaths per 100,000 people (10). In comparison, the North East's rate was 49.7 and England's was 39.7 per 100,000 people (10).  

Trends for death by alcohol, drugs and suicide in Gateshead (2012-2023)
The increase in deaths related to drug use in Gateshead is particularly alarming. Between 2021 and 2023, there were 77 drug-related deaths, a rate of 13.7 per 100,000 people, which is more than double the national rate of 5.5 (17).

Unfortunately, since 2012, Gateshead's suicide rate has risen, aligning with national trends. From 2021 to 2023, 50 people died by suicide in Gateshead, a rate of 9.5 per 100,000 persons over 10 years old, similar to the England rate of 10.7 and North East's rate of 13.8 (22).

Potential years of life lost

These deaths disproportionately affect younger and middle-aged people, cutting lives tragically short. The years of life lost (YLL) metric measures the years a person could have expected to live, had they not died prematurely, highlighting the societal and economic impact of preventable deaths linked to alcohol, drugs and suicide.

Between 2020 and 2022, suicide in Gateshead resulted in 569 years of life lost, equating to 39.2 years for every 10,000 people, significantly higher than the England average of 34.1 (23,24).

Life lost to alcohol is even higher. In 2022, Gateshead had a high rate of potential years of life lost to alcohol, with 2,078 years lost per 100,000 males and 489 years lost per 100,000 females (9). For potential working life lost due to alcohol (before the age of 65), Gateshead males had the highest rate in England at 1,033 potential working years lost per 100,000 males (9).     

Data on years of life lost due to drug use in Gateshead is limited. However, given the high number of drug-related deaths and the similar age range of those affected as seen with suicide, the impact on years of life lost is likely comparable, if not greater. 

Alcohol and drugs are leading risk factors for death among people under 50 in Gateshead, with these risks escalating over time. In 2021, drug use contributed to 19.7 deaths per 100,000 - a 339% increase since 1990 (4). Meanwhile, alcohol-related deaths rose to 13.2 per 100,000, a 57% increase since 1990 (4).

Gateshead is falling behind the rest of England in these areas. The numbers show a growing need for action.

Deaths in drug and alcohol treatment

When people are engaged in treatment, their risk of drug or alcohol related death is reduced.

However, being in treatment does not mitigate risk entirely, as there can be other factors that can contribute continuing drug and/or alcohol use, along with other health vulnerabilities.

People may still die prematurely, even when accessing treatment and support. Between 2019 and 2022, and 2021 and 2022, there were 58 deaths among those in drug treatment and 15 among those in alcohol treatment (25). These figures were higher than in the previous period of 2018 to 2019. While not all deaths in treatment are directly attributable to substance use, it is often a contributing factor to health inequalities and premature death. 

Deaths while accessing mental health services

Almost a third of those who died by suicide after contact with drug and alcohol services had also engaged with mental health services in the previous year (26). High rates of self-harm were also common (26).   highlighting the need for stronger collaboration between drug and alcohol services and mental health services to mitigate ongoing risk, even once treatment is completed.  

Things that made my drinking worse were bad situations. I had no coping mechanism for them.

The vulnerabilities of those accessing mental health services also mirror these concerns. Most patients who die by suicide share overlapping vulnerabilities, such as a history of self-harm (63%), more than one mental health diagnosis (54%), living alone (48%), and substance using involving alcohol (47%) or drugs (38%) (27).

In 2021, the UK saw 74 suicides by people who were mental health in-patients, accounting for 4% of all patient suicides. 12% of all patient suicides were by people who had been discharged from mental health in-patient care within the previous three months, the highest risk being the first 1-2 weeks after discharge with the highest number of deaths overall occurring on day three post-discharge (27).

These figures underline the importance of tailored suicide prevention efforts within mental health care. The Suicide Prevention Strategy for England: 2023-2028 outlines key actions, such as follow-up support within 72 hours of discharge and co-designed solutions with those with lived experience, to reduce preventable deaths (28).  

Every life lost in Gateshead presents a chance to do better, together. Deaths resulting from alcohol, drugs and suicide are critically high in our region and often interlinked, reflecting the multiple challenges and disadvantages faced by many in our communities.

These overlapping vulnerabilities require a joined-up preventative approach which not only tackles the root causes of harm but strengthens support for those at risk. Change is both urgent and possible - we cannot afford to let these trends continue to rise. 

The importance of prevention

In Gateshead, a confidential Drug-Related Death (DRD) review is conducted after every suspected drug-related death to identify patterns and opportunities for intervention. This collaborative process involves both statutory and non-statutory partners, all working to reduce the devastating impact of drug-related deaths on families and communities. With new national guidance, like the Preventing Drug and Alcohol Deaths: Partnership Review Process (28), there is an opportunity to improve the DRD review process in Gateshead, allowing for shared learning to better prevent these tragedies.  

While reviews of drug-related deaths provide valuable lessons, the rising numbers in our region show that earlier intervention is essential.

Alcohol and drug dependency rarely occur in isolation - they are both causes and consequences of multiple disadvantages and inequalities, leading to interlinked vulnerabilities. Addressing these challenges requires a focus not just on treatment but on prevention, tackling the root causes of substance use and supporting people long before they reach crisis point.  

Case study - Speak Their Name memorial quilt

Speak Their Name quilt

The 'Speak Their Name' memorial quilt was created by those in the North East bereaved by suicide, with over 200 people attending workshops across the region to craft 120 individual fabric squares.

Working as both a suicide prevention initiative as well as a tribute to lost loved ones, the quilt toured public spaces with the intention of promoting hope and healing.

The project has been led by Tracey Beadle from the charity Quinn's Retreat and Suzanne Howes. Both have lost children to suicide and are determined to make a difference by bringing hope to those feeling lost, in their children's names.