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Taxi licences

Taxi and Private Hire licensing

We are responsible for the licensing of the following within the Borough of Gateshead:

  • Hackney Carriage vehicles
  • Hackney Carriage drivers
  • Private Hire vehicles
  • Private Hire drivers
  • Private Hire operators

Applying to be a licensed driver with Gateshead Council

You will need to obtain a drivers badge (either Hackney Carriage, Private Hire or Dual) if you wish to work as a driver in the Gateshead area.

When considering applying for a Licence it is advised to read the Policy (PDF, 256 KB) before submitting an application.

To begin the application process, please submit an application form (opens new window). If you have any queries regarding the application form, please email our Licensing inbox.

Once we have received your application form and confirmed you are eligible to proceed, you will be contacted by a member of our team to book in your knowledge test. Please see below for the revision booklet as well as further information on the application process:

Tax Conditionality check - for renewing drivers

All individuals need to complete a tax check when renewing a licence in England and Wales. If a tax check is not completed, The Licensing Authority will be unable to consider the application and this will mean a current licence will expire.

The following links may assist you in preparing for the tax conditionality checks:

The Equality Act 2010

This List of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (Correct as of January 2025) (PDF, 224 KB)(opens new window) is designated for the purposes of Section 165 of the above Act.

Hackney carriage and private hire documents

Contact us

Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street

0191 433 4741

Taxi Vehicle Testing 
Gateshead Council
Park Road

0191 433 7433