Annual Parking Report 2023 to 2024
Foreword by Councillor John McElroy
Portfolio holder for Environment and Transport
Welcome to Gateshead Council's Annual Parking Report for 2023 to 2024. As a local authority that operates Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE), we are required to produce an annual report in accordance with the Traffic Management Act which highlights our financial position for that year along with key statistics.
Moreover, this report seeks to provide information to residents and other stakeholders about how Gateshead Council seeks to deliver parking provision and enforcement, as well as other associated services across the borough. In doing so, it places those activities in the context of other policies, including our contribution to the council's vision for the economic and environmental sustainability of the borough and our legal duty to keep traffic moving as freely as we reasonably can on our roads.
The Council realises that people have different parking needs and expectations. Levels of car ownership continue to rise and the resulting demand for parking places, particularly on-street, far outstrips the availability of kerb space in most urban areas, including Gateshead. The Council's Parking Services Team, part of the Highways and Waste service within the Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities group are responsible for ensuring that motorists comply with parking restrictions in
Gateshead and the day-to-day management of the Council's off-street car parks. In instances where motorists fail to comply with the regulations, appropriate action is taken which inevitably leads to the issuing of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs).
I do understand that parking enforcement is not always popular, particularly if you have received a parking ticket. Equally, however, motorists who do park correctly expect robust action to be taken against those who do not, especially in busy areas. The Traffic Management Act 2004 (opens new window) places a duty on local authorities to effectively manage their network to reduce disruption and congestion and the Parking Services Team seeks to provide a service that contributes to the safe and expeditious movement of traffic on our roads, as far as possible.
An effectively managed parking service is crucial in supporting the Council's "Thrive" Agenda in ensuring healthy neighbourhoods and a thriving town centre for our residents, businesses, and visitors to the area. The Council, like many of our neighbouring authorities, continues to deal with challenges including congestion, climate change and air quality issues. Parking enforcement is a fundamental service of the Council with the aim to influence how people choose to travel, with the aim of encouraging more sustainable forms of transport.
To conclude, I hope that the contents of this report will help to explain what some of the objectives of parking enforcement are and why enforcement activity is necessary to help meet these objectives. Thank you for taking the time to read this report and the team welcome any feedback you may have regarding parking issues in the borough.