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Annual Parking Report 2023 to 2024

Policy context

The operation of Civil Parking Enforcement is in line with Thrive, the Councils strategic approach and to support the current North East Transport Plan (opens new window) which seeks to move to a green, healthy, dynamic and thriving North East.

The Plan is centred on connecting people to good employment opportunities, generating economic growth, while enabling the region and its people to move to healthier and greener more sustainable ways of travel.

Our parking control objectives seek to:

Minimise the use of vehicles in the most congested areas during busy periods;

  • Provide sufficient short-stay parking facilities to support local businesses as well as other organisations and leisure activities, thereby underpinning social and economic life across the borough;
  • Reduce the risk of accidents caused by inconsiderate and dangerous parking;
  • Safeguard the needs and requirements of visitors, residents, businesses and other organisations;
  • Encourage the use of public transport;
  • Preserve and improve the environment and infrastructure;
  • Increase and improve pedestrian and cyclist mobility; 
  • Improve accessibility for people with mobility difficulties;
  • Regulate and control parking both on and off street;
  • Improve bus journey times through the enforcement of bus lanes
  • Protect the Council's parking revenue

Parking operations will contribute towards these objectives by providing or facilitating:

  • On street parking enforcement, by patrolling restricted areas with a particular focus on main bus routes and other busy transport corridors where parking issues are apparent
  • Enforcement of the Council's off street car parks and parking places to ensure effective use of limited spaces and to protect the Council's revenue by issuing PCNs for any contraventions observed;
  • Management and administration of suspensions and dispensations;
  • Checking of Pay and Display machines and meters to identify faults;
  • Reviewing strategic enforcement and deployment whilst amending them as necessary from time to time.

Such operations will embrace the following activities:

  • The issue and serving by Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) of PCNs where vehicles are observed to be parking in contravention of the regulations, both on- and off- street;
  • Deployment of a camera-equipped vehicle to enforce restrictions at schools and bus stops ;
  • Static cameras to enforce bus lane contraventions;
  • Reporting inadequacies of and/or damage to signs and road markings;
  • Suspension procedures for Pay and Display machines and parking bays.