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Annual Parking Report 2023 to 2024

Car parking enforcement

Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) is conducted both on and off street by Gateshead Council Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs). Our CEOs are salaried and not part of any bonus or incentive scheme. The fundamental requirement of a CEO is to ensure that any Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) is issued fairly and correctly and that all evidence relating to the contravention is gathered and recorded properly. Throughout the 2023 to 2024 period there were six CEOs plus one Senior CEO employed to enforce parking restrictions in Gateshead.  

The Traffic Management Act 2004 - contents (opens new window) imposes a statutory duty on all local traffic authorities, to manage their highway network to achieve, as far as reasonably practicable and taking into account their other duties and responsibilities, the expeditious movement of traffic (both vehicular and pedestrian) on their highways. An efficient and effective enforcement regime to combat inconsiderate parking, particularly where it impacts on traffic flow, is seen as an essential element in fulfilling this duty.

The main advantages of local authority enforcement of regulations are as follows:

  • More effective implementation of parking policies seeking improved traffic flow, better management of traffic levels, fewer accidents, a fairer distribution of parking spaces and more pleasant streets contributing to healthier neighbourhoods.
  • Better monitoring of the effectiveness and value of regulations
  • The ability for local authorities to use revenue from charges to fund parking enforcement with any surplus used for improving off-street parking or other transport related measures.

Penalty Charge Notices (PCN's)

PCN's are issued when motorists contravene a parking or bus lane restriction. PCN's are categorised as higher or lower depending upon the severity of the contravention. Higher level PCN's are £70 and those lower level PCN's are £50. A list of parking contravention codes and their associated charge can be found in Appendix 4. All penalties are reduced by 50% if paid within the discount period.

The role of a Civil Enforcement Officer and back-office staff

The main objective of a CEO is to ensure parking controls are observed and enforced in a fair and consistent manner. When the CEO believes a contravention has occurred, they will issue a PCN either by affixing it to the windscreen of the vehicle or by handing it to the driver. We will also serve a PCN by post if the vehicle is driven away or the CEO is prevented from issuing a PCN (for example, threats of violence toward the CEO).

Prior to commencing independent enforcement patrols, all CEOs undertake training and are required to attain the City and Guilds qualification for Parking Enforcement Officers, or equivalent. Staff involved in back-office CPE operations also complete the same course as a matter of good practice. Further training takes place on an ongoing basis as required to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation and the level of service we offer to our customers and service users.

Given sometimes the unpopular nature of CPE, our CEO's wear body cameras which records footage whilst on duty. Footage from these cameras may also be used as supporting evidence in relation to PCN's and appeals. They may also be used by the police in relation to any investigation or prosecution for any assaults on our officers, which we will not tolerate.

Depending on the contravention, the CEO may need to observe a vehicle for a period to ascertain whether an exemption applies. It is important to note that not every contravention requires an observation period. 

Once a PCN is issued, the issuing CEO is not able to cancel it or deal with any appeals from the motorist. Any appeal against a PCN should be made in writing. 
The exercise of discretion lies purely with the back-office staff as part of considering challenges against PCN's and Representations against a Notice to Owner. This is to protect our CEO's from allegations of inconsistency or favouritism to name but a few.

Although photographic evidence is not a legal requirement, it is desirable. The evidence they provide is very helpful both when considering individual cases and when looking at them in a wider context.

In addition to issuing a PCN, the role of a CEO also includes;

  • Providing advice on minor parking queries and enforcement matters
  • Reporting defective traffic signs and road markings
  • Reporting Blue Badge abuse
  • Civil Enforcement Officers will adopt a helpful attitude and a consistent approach to enforcement to encourage lawful and considerate parking. Our customer promise is that we will always: 
  • Be professional, fair and courteous;
  • Be polite, calm and understanding;
  • Be open and honest;
  • Offer advice on the appeals procedure if requested

A deployment strategy has been established to maximise the coverage available whilst patrolling the restrictions and parking places which are enforceable. CEOs are on duty throughout the main controlled hours which apply in the various zones within the borough, as well as additional hours (outside those normal hours) as needs dictate. 

The CEO's routinely work a shift pattern that provides a presence on all days of the week, mainly between the core times of 8am to 6pm. Operating hours are monitored and adjusted as appropriate to provide an effective, proactive enforcement strategy for both on-street and off-street operations.

Mobile CCTV enforcement

In 2013, the Council introduced a camera equipped vehicle to enforce specific restrictions such as parking in bus stops and outside of schools. This vehicle is operated by the enforcement staff and any PCN generated is sent by first class post to the registered keeper of the vehicle.

Bus lane enforcement

The team also oversees the operation of a number of fixed bus lane cameras across the Borough. Unlike with most of the parking contraventions we enforce, the power to enforce in bus lanes is shared with the police; in other words, the police may continue to take action in respect of any unauthorised vehicle they encounter in a bus lane. Penalty Charge Notices for bus lane contraventions are issued under the Traffic Management Act 2004 - contents (opens new window)

However, the PCNs themselves, as well as the associated appeals process, are virtually identical. All footage captured by the cameras is reviewed by a trained person to ascertain whether or not it appears that the vehicles are entitled to be in the bus lane, prior to the issue of a PCN. Information about which bus lanes are subject to camera enforcement and the type of vehicles which may use them can be found on the bus lane enforcement page on the Council's website. Appendix 1 shows the number of PCN's issued in each of the bus lanes covered by an enforcement camera in 2023 to 2024 as well as the money paid to the Council consequently.