Annual Parking Report 2023 to 2024
Resident permit parking zones
The Council operates several residents' parking schemes in the Borough. There is a general presumption that a vehicle legally on the road may park on any unrestricted public road, provided no obstruction is being caused. Permit parking schemes are therefore only introduced where the Council considers that there is an exceptional commuter parking issue in connection with a significant "parking generator", such as concentrations of high employment or in areas surrounding hospitals, transport hubs and sporting arenas or other attractions.
When restrictions within a residents' parking zone are in force, any vehicle parking within the zone which is not exempt (such as an operational emergency services vehicle) must display a valid permit in order to park within the zone. Failure to do so may result in the issue of a Penalty Charge Notice. Please note that blue (disabled) badges are not valid for use in these circumstances.
The following types of permit are valid for use in residents' parking zones:
- resident or business permit showing that it is valid for use in that zone;
- visitor scratchcard, with the date/time correctly showing, valid in that zone;
- green visitor disc, with the date/time correctly set, valid in that zone.
- trade permit or Health Professional Permit
The days and times when restrictions apply can vary from zone to zone, although most of them tend to operate on weekdays between 9am and 6pm to deal with commuter-related parking issues. The permit's conditions of use are set out on the application form and accompanying notes.
Restrictions apply on Bank Holiday Mondays or other public holidays unless the signs within each zone show otherwise.
Resident Permit Holder Only areas in Gateshead can be viewed in Appendix 2.