Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA)
Local Planning Authorities were required, under national planning policy Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing (PPS3), to carry out a Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) in accordance with SHMA Practice Guidance version 2. PPS 3 encouraged cross-boundary working when producing a sub-regional Housing Market Assessment. The Tyne and Wear Strategic Housing Market Assessments provided evidence to support Local Development Frameworks at a sub-regional level.
The Gateshead and Newcastle SHMA has been undertaken by consultants David Couttie Associates and steered by a project team of key stakeholders including officers from Newcastle and Gateshead Councils, housebuilders and social housing providers. The project team has used collective local knowledge to help inform the SHMA and comment on draft reports. A wider stakeholder group has also been asked to comment on draft reports. A wider stakeholder group has also been asked to comment on draft reports. The 2013 Update Report can be found in our evidence library.
NewcastleGateshead SHMA Final April 2011 (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
Tyne and Wear Strategic Housing Market Assessment July 2010 (PDF, 6 MB)(opens new window)