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Selective Licensing Scheme Evaluation, re-designated Area Central Bensham

Partnership working - Operation Vienna

During the re-designation of Central Bensham the team have worked closely in partnership with Operation Vienna. The effectiveness of the partnership was improved as Northumbria Police were co-located with the Private Sector Housing Team and this increases the effectiveness of the partnership from scheme implementation but mainly responding to criminality and anti-social behaviour. 

During this time there has been a vast amount of partnership working to address ASB and reduce criminality within the area. 

  • Two campaigns within the re-designated area concentrating specifically on ASB and have resulted in enforcement action being taken against residents.
  • Eviction of two tenants from Saltwell Place known to be the perpetrators of recurrent ASB.
  • The service of four Community Protection Warnings on tenants for different behaviours all associated with ASB.
  • An increase by the Police in the use of enforcement powers in place available to deal with ASB and criminality. 
  • Accompanying Licence Holders to property visits to communicate with difficult tenants or situations resulting in behaviour moderation. 
  • A number of joint meetings with Licence Holders, residents and tenants in relation to specific issues.
  • Joint interviewing of offenders under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (opens new window).
  • Cannabis drying house identified and raided.
  • Three properties raided for the sale of illicit substances, arrests made and dealt with through the criminal justice system. 
  • More than 600 Police checks carried out on applicants, residents, and tenants to ensure conformance with scheme requirements.
  • The regular presence of licensing officers and Police officers working in tandem has increased community confidence.
  • Investigations and action taken in a more timely and robust manner to reduce the impact of ASB on the community.
  • Increased number and regular multi agency meetings between the team, housing providers and external partners. 
  • Closer monitoring of known offenders living in the area. 
  • Joint working with trading standards and Operation Vienna to target other criminal behaviour affecting Bensham including illegal motorbikes and illegal tobacco sales