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Selective Licensing Scheme Evaluation, re-designated Area Central Bensham

Rates of ASB in the designated area


The bar chart above shows the rate of ASB reported to the Police per 1,000 dwellings covering the licensing area, the rest of Gateshead and England and Wales. The data shows prior to the commencement of the licensing scheme in the re-designated area, the rate of ASB was substantially higher than the Gateshead average and England and Wales. The rate of ASB reported to the Police significantly reduced over 2019 to 2020 and actually fell lower than the rate recorded for the rest of Gateshead. During this period there was an increased presence of Police officers in the area due to the intense work being carried out with the Private Sector Housing Team and the Police and officers from the licensing team were conducting joint visits, this could have instilled some confidence in the area during this time. 

It is acknowledged that the figures shows there was a rise in ASB reported to the Police throughout the COVID pandemic and throughout periods of national lockdown over 2020 to 2021. This trend was replicated throughout the country as well as in Gateshead, this was mainly due to individual tolerance levels being affected as most occupants were expected to remain within their homes. It is notable that during these periods of national lockdown complaints received were greater in Gateshead than in the licensing area. This would suggest the occupants had a greater tolerance level than in other parts of the borough. 

The rates of ASB being reported to the Police levelled off in the last 12 months of the licensing scheme, but the figures returned greater than the Gateshead average and the rest of the country. Although it is noted that ASB being reported to the Police reduced after the lifting of lockdown restrictions the rates remained higher than the Gateshead average per 1,000 dwellings.