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Selective landlord licensing conditions

2. Electrical safety

The licence holder must;

a. ensure that every electrical installation in the house is in proper working order and safe for continued use. Provide to the Local Authority on demand, a declaration as to the safety of such installations (MC)

b.  ensure every electrical installation in the house is inspected and tested at regular intervals by a qualified person (DC)

c.  following the inspection and testing, obtain a report from the person conducting that inspection and test, which gives the results of the inspection and test and the date of the next inspection and test (DC)

d. provide a copy of that report to each existing tenant or occupier of the house within 28 days of the inspection and test (DC)

e.  keep electrical appliances made available by them in the house in a safe condition (MC)

f.  supply the Authority, on demand, with a declaration by them as to the safety of such appliances (MC)

g.  ensure any electrical appliances (more than 12 months old) provided are tested by a suitably qualified contractor on an annual basis confirming the safety of such electrical appliances. A copy of the Portable Appliance Test (PAT) certificate must be provided to the Local Authority, within seven days of the request. (DC)