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Selective landlord licensing conditions

11. Household waste

The licence holder must;

a.  ensure at the start of any new tenancy there is no refuse, waste or household items left inside the property or within the curtilage belonging to the previous tenant or from works carried out as part of any refurbishment prior to letting. (DC)

b.  ensure that the house prior to the start of a new tenancy, has suitable and sufficient provision for the storage and collection of waste, including the correct type and number of waste bins. A green domestic waste bin and a blue recycling bin must be provided at the property. Both bins must be clearly marked with the number/street of the property. (DC)

c.  outline to the occupiers of the property in writing their responsibilities regarding storage and disposal of waste prior to the start of a new tenancy. Specific information should include details such as the day/week on which recycling/general waste and household waste is to be collected and how a tenant should dispose of bulky items such as furniture. Including the penalties for fly tipping and the prolonged storage of waste within the front and rear gardens/yard and any outbuilding of the property. (DC)

d.  respond reasonably and effectively if there are complaints concerning accumulations of waste and refuse at the property. Make clear to the tenant with verbal and written warnings as appropriate that further instances of accumulations of waste and refuse at the property will not be tolerated. (DC)

e.  where accumulations of waste and refuse at the property are persistent and regular, and where appropriate, utilise the clauses of any written agreement under which the tenant occupies the property to legally end the tenancy. Evidence of such must be available to the Local Authority upon request. (DC)

f.  work in partnership with the Local Authority where appropriate, to prevent or reduce accumulations of waste and refuse at the property. Where necessary follow guidance provided by the Local Authority. (DC)

g.  ensure that all waste collected and disposed of from the premises is removed lawfully and collected by a registered waste carrier with the appropriate permit. Provide to the Local Authority within seven days of the request, a copy of the waste transfer document. (DC)