Selective landlord licensing conditions
12. Material changes in circumstances
The licence holder must;
a. Notify the Local Authority, within seven days of any material change in circumstances that may affect their status as a fit and proper person under the Housing Act 2004 Section 89 (opens new window).
This includes any of the following criteria (i - iii) either by the licence holder or any person associated with them; (DC)
i. Committed any offence involving fraud or other dishonesty, or violence or drugs, or any offence listed in Sexual Offences Act 2003 schedule 3 (opens new window); which resulted in an unspent conviction
ii. Practiced unlawful discrimination on the grounds of sex, colour, race, ethnic or national origins or disability in, or in connection with, the carrying on of any business via a finding from a Court of tribunal.
iii. Contravened any provision of the law relating to housing, or of landlord and tenant law.
b. Notify the Local Authority, within seven days of any material change in circumstances that may require the licence to be varied, revoked, or require a fit and proper person check to be made, including: (DC)
- been declared insolvent or an undischarged bankruptcy in the last five years
- a change of property ownership
- a change of address or contact details, including country of residency
- a change of manager or management arrangements, a signed copy of the new managing agent contract must be submitted within seven days of instructing the new agent
- any proposed changes to the house, including its layout, that would affect the licence or licence conditions
- any proposed changes to the occupancy of the house that would affect the licence or licence conditions (for example; occupation under a Home Office contract, or conversion to a house in multiple occupation)
- any other act by them or another party that prevents the licence holder from meeting the conditions of the licence.