Access the internet
For some, having access to data and the internet it can be quite an expensive regular cost. On this page there are details of support packages available for those on a low income and receiving certain benefits.
Social tariffs
Social tariffs are cheaper broadband and phone packages for people claiming Universal Credit, Pension Credit and some other benefits. Some providers call them 'essential' or 'basic' broadband.
Ofcom have a list of social tariffs that are available on their website (opens new window), ranging from £10 to £23 per month, depending on the provider.
Data Bank at The Good Things Foundation
Are you a community group looking to distribute devices to residents? The Good Things Foundation device bank is a network that collects donated devices and refurbishes them as an updated device that can be passed on to residents and families you work with. Find out more on the Good Things Foundation website (opens new window).
Our libraries
You can access free-to-use public computers and free Wi-Fi in all of our libraries. They also offer photocopying and printing facilities, help with basic computing support and job searching - all supported by a team of friendly and approachable staff. Find out where your local library is and what they offer.