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Pay for care at home

If you have been assessed to pay towards your care and support, we will send you an invoice every 4 weeks for care you receive at home or in the community. You will receive this invoice 2 weeks after the end of the 4-week billing period. You can pay this invoice online.

You will need

  • your account number found on your invoice
  • a credit or debit card

Pay for Home Care and Day Care services

Other payment options

By direct debit

To arrange to make payment by direct debit you can download a form and and send it to the address below.

Download a direct debit mandate form (PDF, 272 KB)

By phone

To make a card payment you can call our automated telephone number 0800 052 3455 and select option 3. You will need to quote your reference number and your card details.

By cheque

You can make cheques payable to Gateshead Council. Write your account reference number on the back of the cheque and post to the address below.

At the Post Office

You can make a payment at the Post Office using your Home and Day Care Services swipe card.

To order a swipe card, please use the contact details below.

Contact us

Financial Assessment Team
Resources and Digital
Civic Centre Regent Street

0191 433 2344


Our payment forms are safe and secure.