Change of business address
If you move out of a business property in Gateshead, let us know as soon as possible so we can adjust the bill (you may get a refund).
If you move into a business property in Gateshead, let us know so we can make sure you are billed from the right date.
If you move your business out of the Gateshead area, let us and your new council know as soon as possible so they can bill you from the right date.
Report a change of business address
Use this form for any change of business address concerning a property in Gateshead.
This includes:
- setting up an entirely new business
- adding another property while retaining the property your business already uses
- closing your business
The form will not allow you to enter any dates in the future, so please only fill it in after you have completed on your sale or tenancy.
You must tell us if you open an additional business premises outside of Gateshead and you receive Small Business Rate Relief (SBRR). Please contact us using the details below.
Contact us
Business Rates
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street
0191 433 4726
Office hours:
Telephone enquiries can be made on a Monday to Thursday between the hours of 8.45am to 5pm and on a Friday between 8.45am to 4.30pm.
Please email outside of these working hours.