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Advice on food labelling

Due to the complex nature of food labelling laws, there will be a charge if you wish an officer to review your food labels for legal compliance.

Labelling rules ensure that all consumers have comprehensive information about ingredients. This makes it easier for people with food allergies to identify ingredients they need to avoid. These rules are often complex and difficult to understand.

Packaging must display:

  • name of the food
  • list of ingredients
  • storage instructions
  • best before/use by
  • name and address
  • nutritional information
  • quantity
  • quantitative ingredients declarations (QUID)

There are also certain special requirements if the product has any special claims such as rich in vitamins; contains alcohol; contains genetically modified products; is organic; or may trigger food allergies.

For further advice visit:

Contact us for further information on charges.

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Environmental Health
Economy, Innovation and Growth

0191 433 3951