What is Fairtrade?
Fairtrade is a simple way each one of us can make a difference through our everyday choices. It's about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Fairtrade aims to enable the poorest farmers and workers to improve their position and have more control over their lives.
The Fairtrade mark

- A minimum price is paid to Fairtrade producers covering their costs of production.
- The producers receive an additional Fairtrade Premium, an extra amount of money to invest in their communities on economic, social and environmental projects.
- Workers on farms also get rights under Fairtrade like decent wages and they are allowed to join unions.
- Producers in Fairtrade co-operatives always get a democratic say in decisions - women included.
The Fairtrade Premium
On top of the agreed Fairtrade minimum price, producers also receive the Fairtrade Premium. Farmers and workers vote democratically on how it's spent. This is development that's decided by the people who will benefit from it. After all, they're the ones best placed to make the premium work the hardest. Roads have been laid, nurseries equipped and helpful new tools have been put to work all thanks to the Fairtrade Premium.
The Fairtrade Premium allows farmers and workers the breathing space to invest in new ways of doing things and to plan for their futures.
Fairtrade Matters (trailer)
A 90 second trailer for Fairtrade Matters (opens new window), an evocative and thought provoking short film which offers a glimpse into the lives of just two of the farmers and workers at the heart of Fairtrade.
Contact us
For more information on Fairtrade contact:
Gateshead Fairtrade Partnership
Chief Executive Office
Civic Centre
Regent Street
0191 433 2058