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Scrap Metal Licensing

Scrap metal dealers must obtain a licence (instead of a registration) to operate. The licence will last for 3 years. Licences are available for Site (premises) (Word doc, 578 KB)(opens new window) and Mobile (itinerant) Collectors (Word doc, 556 KB)(opens new window)

Under the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 (Section 21) a person carries on business as a scrap metal dealer if the person:

  • carries on business which consists wholly or partly in buying or selling scrap metal, whether or not the metal is sold in the form in which it was bought, or
  • carries on business as a motor salvage operator

Site licence (premises)

A site licence from Gateshead Council will authorise an applicant to operate a business as a scrap metal dealer within the Borough of Gateshead area only. A site manager must be named for each site and the licence will authorise him/her to operate from those sites as a scrap metal dealer, including transporting scrap metal to and from those sites from any local area. A motor salvage operator will need to obtain a site licence.

It is important that scrap metal dealers only deal with properly licensed persons, and they are able to demonstrate through proper record keeping that they have complied with this obligation, otherwise they may be committing an offence.

Site Licence application form (Word doc, 578 KB)(opens new window)

Collector licence (itinerant)

A collector licence from Gateshead Council will authorise an applicant to operate as a mobile collector of scrap metal (commercial and domestic) in the borough of Gateshead area only. A collector's licence does not permit a collector to operate from any other local authority area. A separate licence must be obtained from each local authority area in which an individual wishes to collect. 

Please note that Section 2(9) of the of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 states:

  • 'A person may hold more than one licence issued by different local authorities but may not hold more than one licence by any one authority.'

The following businesses will need to comply with the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013:

  • scrap metal dealers who operate from a site in the Borough of Gateshead and do not collect scrap metal
  • scrap metal dealers who act as mobile (itinerant) collectors that do not operate from a site but collect scrap metal within the borough of Gateshead
  • motor salvage operators who operate from a site in the borough of Gateshead
  • all other businesses who buy or sell scrap metal in the borough of Gateshead during the course of their business in Gateshead - however, this does not include businesses who buy or sell scrap metal which is incidental to the operation of their business

Collector Licence application form (Word doc, 556 KB)(opens new window)

What to do next - Site licence

1. Application form

Complete a Site Licence application form (Word doc, 578 KB)(opens new window) and submit it to the council. 

2. Criminal record check

As part of the application process we must be satisfied that an applicant is a suitable person/partnership/company to be issued with a scrap metal dealer site licence. This process will involve a basic criminal records check. An applicant, and other persons who may include a site manager, business partner, director, shadow director, company secretary, will therefore need to obtain a Basic Criminal Record Disclosure Certificate (opens new window) and submit it to the council with your application. As part of the suitability checking process consultation may also be undertaken with other local authorities, Environment Agency, Trading Standards, Planning Authority, Information Commissioner's Office, Security Industry Authority, and Northumbria Police.

3. Fee

A fee of £453.15 must be paid at the time of making an application for a site licence. A further fee maybe payable during the 3 year duration of the licence if any changes are made. 

What to do next - Collector licence

1. Application form

Complete a Collector Licence application form (Word doc, 556 KB)(opens new window) and submit it to the Council. 

If a collector is assisted by any person(s) in the collection of scrap metal then this person(s) must also have a scrap metal collector licence. The only circumstance in which they will not be required to have a licence is if this person(s) is directly employed by a holder of a collector licence. Should a person be stopped by Police and/or Licensing Officers whilst in the process of collecting/transporting scrap metal each person (in or around the vehicle) will be asked to show their collector licence and/or proof of employment (for example, pay slips). Should this information not be provided then legal action will be taken under Section 10(5) of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013.

2. Criminal record check

As part of the application process we must be satisfied that an applicant is a suitable person/company to be issued with a scrap metal dealer collector licence. This process will involve a basic criminal records check. An applicant will therefore need to obtain obtain a Basic Criminal Record Disclosure Certificate (opens new window) and submit it to the council with the application. As part of the suitability checking process consultation may also be undertaken with other local authorities, Environment Agency, Trading Standards, Planning Authority, Information Commissioner's Office, Security Industry Authority, and Northumbria Police. 

3. Fee

A fee of £186.40 must be paid at the time of making the application for a collector licence. A further fee maybe payable during the 3 year duration of the licence if any changes are made.

4. Passport photos and driver's licence

An applicant must provide two passport photos with their application and a copy of their current DVLA driver's licence. If they do not have a DVLA driver's licence then they must advise which scrap metal licence holder (and vehicle) they will be working with.

5. Vehicle details

An applicant must provide a copy their vehicle's V5 (log book) that will be used for scrap metal collection. If they do not have a vehicle then they will need to advise which vehicle (and scrap metal licence holder) they intend to work from.


Tax conditionality check - Information for applicants renewing an existing licence

All individuals will need to complete a tax check when renewing a licence in England and Wales. If a tax check is not completed, the Licensing Authority will be unable to consider the renewal application and the existing licence may expire.

The following links may assist you in preparing for the new tax conditionality checks: Tax check factsheet (opens new window) Licence application tax check - communications resources (opens new window) Help and support for the HMRC personal tax account (opens new window) Use your business tax account (opens new window) Generate a tax check code (opens new window)

If an applicant requires any further information they should contact the Licensing Section on 0191 433 4741. View or privacy notice page.


Scrap metal collector licence application form (Word doc, 556 KB)(opens new window)

scrap metal site licence application form (Word doc, 578 KB)(opens new window)

Scrap metal site variation form (Word doc, 469 KB)(opens new window)

Contact us

Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street

0191 433 4741