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Street trading and markets

Street trading is where a person sells, exposes or offers for sale any article (including a living thing) in a street, road, footway or other area (or part of) to which the public have access. The Street Trading and Markets Policy applies to all street trading and market activities within Gateshead.  A list of streets where street trading is prohibited is in the current Street Trading and Markets Policy and Guidance 2024/25 (PDF, 329 KB). The purpose of the policy is to ensure that each application and consent is dealt with in a consistent, fair and proportionate way.

The policy sets out the following;

  • what is street trading
  • street trading objectives guidance
  • when is a street trading consent not required
  • application process
  • prohibited streets
  • fees
  • standard conditions

Street trading applications which are incomplete and/or submitted with less than 20 working days notice will not be accepted.

 To apply to you must supply the following documents;

  • completed  Grant application form (PDF, 125 KB)
  • completed  Objectives checklist (PDF, 82 KB)
  • location plan setting out any fixed location (or in the case of Street Trading Consents for mobile trading, a list of all the streets) where the proposed trading is to take place.
  • photographs of the van/unit/stall
  • if requesting to trade from private land then the express permission, in writing, of the land owner must be provided to the Licensing Section with the application. (Should there be any confusion in regard to the actual legal ownership of the land it is the responsibility of the applicant to resolve this prior to applying for consent.)
  • Public and Product Liability Insurance for a minimum sum of £5,000,000 for the duration of the Consent.
  • example menu, please see public health guidance which must be considered Public Health Guidance (PDF, 903 KB)Healthier Catering Guidance (PDF, 525 KB)

To renew your Street Trading Consent you must supply the following documents;

Please note if there are any changes to your consent you must notify the Licensing Section and further documents may be required.

As a matter of the Council policy a Street Trading Consent will usually not be required for the following activities:

  • community run and/or charitable events (small scale events such as craft fairs and table top sales) where they are supported by the Ward Councillor(s) and where the Licensing Team is notified in writing in advance of the event of the nature of the event and the intended street trading, and the number of intended traders
  • please ensure if you are planning to run an event of this nature you seek advice and confirmation from the Licensing Team in the first instance to ensure your event fits the criteria above

Fees and charges

Annual (12 month)£971.20
Summer Season (1 May - 31 October)£550.40
Winter Season (1 November - 30 April)£550.40
One week£129.45
One to six days£32.35 per day

Consents for markets with multiple traders

Daily£32.35 per stall per day (1-6 market days)
Up to monthly£129.45 per stall (7-12 market days)
Up to weekly£550.40 per stall (13-52 market days)
Block Consent Annual fee£2096.70

View our privacy notice

Current street trading applications

ApplicantLocationProposed trading timesLast date for objections

Contact us

Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street

0191 433 3933