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Current licensing applications

Please see below for the current pending licensing applications:

ApplicantApplication typePremises and addressDate of application receivedLast date for representationsDeadline for hearing (if required)
Sugunan Suthakaran

Application for a new premises licence

View details of the application (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)

Today's Local, 10 Fewster Square, Felling, NE10 8XQ02 December 202430 December 202428 January 2025
Pranavan Vallipuram Suthakaran

Application for a new premises licence

View details of the application (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)

Today's Local, 10 Fewster Square, Felling, NE10 8XQ12 February 202512 March 20259 April 2025
Jnana Iswarya Naidu Sopeti

Application for a new premises licence

View details of the application (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)

Vishu Express, 128 Brighton Road, Gateshead, NE8 4QA17 February 202517 March 202514 April 2025


For new applications if you wish to see the layout plan, please contact the licensing authority to arrange an appointment to view this at the Civic Centre. 

Making representations on current licensing applications

The Licensing Act 2003 allows people to make representations when:

  • there is an application for a new premises licence
  • an existing premises licence is varied 
  • an application to review an existing licence because there are issues and problems are occurring

Representations can be made in opposition to, or in support of, an application and can be made by any individual, body or business that has grounds to do so.

Prior to making a representation we would suggest reading the application in full and our Statement of Licensing Policy (PDF, 311 KB)(opens new window)

A copy of the full application can be viewed contacting the Licensing Section. The application (unless a review) will set out the proposed licensable activities and hours along with what steps detailed in their operating schedule on how the applicant will promote the licensing objectives. 

To make a representation you must either email or write to us and this must be received by us by the last date of representation for the application. It is not a requirement but may wish to use a representation form (PDF, 148 KB)(opens new window).

To be deemed a relevant representation under the Licensing Act 2003 your representation must relate to how the application impacts on one or more of the following licensing objectives:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm

Please note that issues that are addressed through other regimes/legislation cannot be taken into account under the Licensing Act 2003. An example of this is need. Need concerns the commercial demand of another premises such as a pub/restaurant/off licence etc and is a matter for the Planning Authority and for the market and not the Licensing Authority. Another example of this is parking.

The Licensing Act 2003 also sets out that Licensing Authorities cannot accept representations they deem to be frivolous or vexatious and in addition for a review application on the grounds that the representation is repetitious. These terms are to be given their ordinary meaning. For example, we might deem a representation vexatious if it was lodged because a dispute between rival businesses or it might be frivolous representation if it lacked seriousness and no steps would be proportionate in response.

You should include your name and address so that we can keep you informed about the process and invite you to any related meetings.

If no relevant representations are received then the application will be granted. This will be done as an administrative process.

What happens after you make a representation

Your representation will be read and assessed to make sure that it can be deemed relevant under the Licensing Act 2003 and relates to how that application will impact on one or more of the licensing objectives.

If your representation is relevant, then a hearing before the Licensing Sub-Committee will be arranged. A hearing is to take place within 20 working days starting from the day after the last date for representations on that application.  We will notify the applicant and those that have made relevant representations in writing giving the date and time that the hearing is to take place. You will also be sent a copy of the Licensing Sub-Committee hearing procedures.

A copy of your representation will be sent to the applicant. If you have concerns about your name and address being divulged to the applicant then please contact us and we can discuss alternative options.

Where appropriate the Licensing Authority will see if mediation is possible. We will notify you to see if you would be interested in participating. If mediation is unsuccessful then the matter will proceed to a hearing.

If you wish to withdraw your representation you must inform us in writing or via email. Representations must be withdrawn at least 24 hours before the start of the hearing otherwise the hearing will need to take place.

Prior to a hearing a report will be published and include the application, the relevant representation received, extracts of the Council's Statement of Licensing Policy and extracts from s.182 Licensing Act 2003 guidance (opens new window).

Hearings take place before the Licensing Sub-Committee which is made up from Councillors from the Licensing Committee. Please note that a hearing of the Licensing Sub-Committee is usually a public hearing, unless it is considered by the Licensing Sub-Committee for it to be in the public interest for it not to be.

Whilst you do not have to attend the hearing, it is your opportunity to put forward your case.

The Licensing Sub-Committee can decide to:

  • grant the application in full
  • grant the application partially; or  
  • refuse the application

In determining the application with the view of promoting the licensing objectives in the overall interest of the local community, the Licensing Sub-Committee will give appropriate weight to:

  • the steps that are appropriate to promote the licensing objectives
  • the representations (including supportive ones)
  • Home Office guidance; and
  • our Statement of Licensing Policy

Usually decisions are announced at the end of the hearing. You and parties to the hearing will then be sent a summary of the decision within five working days.

If you wished to appeal a decision of the Licensing Sub-Committee you would need to lodge this with the Magistrates' Court.

For further information about making a representation then please contact us.


Contact us

Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street

0191 433 4741