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Health provision

Due to the varying and often complex needs of children and young people with additional needs, it is possible that a range of health professionals will be involved in helping and supporting you and your child. Following assessment and depending on their needs, your child could be referred to a range of different health services in Gateshead, listed below. Some of these are provided in hospitals and surgeries/clinics and you may need to travel at a distance to access them. You can find more detailed information about these services by clicking on 'Health' in the Local Offer section of our Family Information Directory (opens new window):

  • Speech and Language Therapy Special Needs Team - this service helps children and young people with communication and/or eating and drinking difficulties
  • Physiotherapy Service - for children and young people up to the age of 19 providing a programme of exercises, activities and other treatments to help improve movement, strength and co-ordination
  • Occupational Therapy - for children aged 0-18 to develop social, play and learning skills and activities
  • Nutrition and Dietetic Service - for children with special nutritional needs for example, enteral feeding, diabetes, slow growth and development, allergy and coeliac condition
  • Bladder and Bowel Service - for children and young people up to the age of 18 with persistent continence problems. View more information about this service on the FIS Directory.
    View an information leaflet about the service on the NHS website (opens new window)
  • Specialist Equipment Services - provides specialist equipment for children and young people with mobility difficulties
  • Special Care Dental Service - provides specialist dental care for patients, including children and young people, with special needs
  • Children's Community Nursing Team - work with children from birth to 19 years with additional and nursing needs and/or disabilities who attend the special schools in Gateshead. Also carry out assessments relating to 'Continuing Care' health needs and services can be provided at home, school and short break facilities
  • SEND Nurse - shares public health information with children and young people with SEND and their parents to maintain good health. Works alongside health visitors and school nurses in Gateshead who can deliver one to one support for children with presenting issues during transition, for example, bed wetting, behaviour, anxiety.  
  • Emotional health and resilience nurse - works into schools with pupils aged 5-19 years delivering group and whole class sessions to improve mental health and resilience, for example, coping with exam stress, anxiety.   
  • Children and Young People's Service (CYPS) - works one to one with children and young people under 18 who present with mental health difficulties, including those living in challenging and difficult circumstances.  Referrals are accepted from any professional working with a child, young person or their family and self referrals are accepted.  
  • NHS Continuing Care for Children - this is support provided for children and young people under 18 who need a tailored package of care because of their disability, an accident or illness. You can find more information on the NHS website (opens new window).

NHS Little Orange Book

The Little Orange Book (PDF, 6 MB)(opens new window) contains tips and advice on how to manage common illnesses and problems that babies and young children often experience in the first 5 years of their lives. It also has more information on more serious conditions, what to look out for and how to get help

The 0-25 SEND Code of Practice: a guide for health professionals outlines the duties of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and Health professionals under the Children and Families Act 2014.

Information on the Transforming Care approach

Transforming care is a national programme led by NHS England which is all about improving health and care services so that more people with learning disabilities and/or autism can live in the community, with the right support, close to home and have the same opportunities as anyone else

The programme of work will ensure that families are:

  • getting the support they need to live long and healthy lives
  • being treated with the same dignity and respect
  • having a home within their community
  • being able to develop and maintain relationships and
  • getting the support they need for to have a healthy, safe and fulfilling life.

New ways of working are being established to help families get the right help at the right time.  One example of this is a greater focus on the Care-Co-ordination role to help families access and understand the offers of support available to them across health and social care systems. More details about the programme are set out on the NHS website (opens new window).

Education and Health Care Plans

Health, education and social care systems are working hard to work together to share pathways and processes that work together and are easier to understand.  An Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) will help families work with professionals based on an assessment of individual need.  More details about EHCPs are available on the Gov.uk website (opens new window).

Care Education and Treatment Reviews

Where children or young people are at risk of a hospital admission a Care Education and Treatment Review (CETR) may be called by the family or professional. When a CETR is called this means that the family and professionals all get together to review the needs and requirements of the young person and decide on the best next steps by working together.  A clinical expert and a family member who has had similar experiences from another area will be present to help planning with fresh eyes. A tool to help planning and understanding of the process is available on the NHS England website.

The full toolkit on CETRs is also available on the NHS England website (opens new window).

Gateshead Sexual Health

Gateshead Sexual Health (opens new window) is a fantastic online resource, which tells you which services you can access, how to access services and when and where you can access services.

Sexual Health Services for people living in Gateshead are delivered by South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust. The service provides contraception and sexual health screening/testing, treatment and follow up. All forms of contraception, including long acting methods are available from the majority of clinics, with some clinics specifically for under 25's.

Contact us

Special Educational Needs and Disability Team
Gateshead Council


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For further help and information visit the Learning Disability Matters website (opens new window)