Have your say on planning policy
The MetroGreen Area Action Plan (AAP) Draft Plan sets out the planning policy framework for the following principal uses for the MetroGreen Area of Change:
974 homes
25,500 square metres of leisure and ancillary uses
We want to hear your views on the planning policies set out in the MetroGreen AAP Draft Plan.
Consultation on the MetroGreen AAP Draft Plan and Sustainability Appraisal ran from 26 February to 15 April. This consultation has now closed. We are reviewing your comments and will publish our response in due course.
The feedback from this consultation will inform the MetroGreen AAP Submission Plan Draft Plan.
Background information and related reports are available to view on the MetroGreen webpage and evidence library.
If you require a different format of any consultation documents, please email LDF@Gateshead.gov.uk.
Paper copies of the MetroGreen AAP Draft Plan can be viewed at:
Gateshead Civic Centre | Gateshead Central Library | Dunston Activity Centre |
Start of the Conversation: the Gateshead Plan and Call for Sites
We are at the beginning of preparing our new local plan. We want to start the conversation with you to know if we have got it right in terms of the issues we need to address or whether you think there are additional issues we need to include.
For more information about the Local Plan consultation, including details of consultation events and links to evidence documents, please see The Gateshead Plan.
We are also carrying out a Call for Sites to inform and support development of the Gateshead Plan. This is an opportunity for anyone (including residents, landowners, agents, and developers) to tell us your views on the future use of land and buildings in the Borough. Where sites may no longer be required for their current use and could become available for development or redevelopment, we would like you to tell us.
This process will ensure that the Council has up-to-date evidence of the availability and potential development sites across the borough.
Sites submitted in the previous call for sites (August to October 2022) will be considered and do not need to be resubmitted - where there is a change to the site boundary then the site will need to be resubmitted. Any other updates on sites previously submitted should be forwarded to LDF@Gateshead.gov.uk clearly referencing the site in question.
This consultation has now ended. We are reviewing your responses and assessing sites submitted, and will publish our response in due course.
If you require a different format of any consultation documents, please contact LDF@Gateshead.gov.uk
We need your views to make sure the new local plan helps make Gateshead a place where everyone thrives.
Biodiversity SPD: Scoping Report
Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland Councils are working together to prepare a Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document.
The Scoping Report, prepared by Gateshead and South Tyneside Councils, represents the first stage in the process of developing an SPD and will provide feedback on what should be included in the SPD. The Biodiversity SPD Scoping Report sets out options regarding the potential scope of the SPD, including; biodiversity information and impact assessments required to support planning proposals, biodiversity net gains and the Defra metric, the importance of existing nature conservation features, wildlife corridors, Environment Act requirements, and monitoring, management and maintenance of ecological mitigation.
Comments from residents of both Gateshead and South Tyneside are welcome on the Scoping Report.
Consultation on the Biodiversity SPD: Scoping Report has now ended. We are reviewing your comments and will publish a Consultation Report setting out the Councils' response.
The SPD can be viewed on the Council website at or by prior appointment at the Civic Centre as detailed below. Comments should be made in writing to ldf@gateshead.gov.uk or to the address below.
Documents can be viewed at:
Gateshead Council, Civic Centre, Regent Street, Gateshead, NE8 1HH
(Monday to Friday, 8.45am to 4.30pm)
To view a paper version of the documents at the Civic Centre an appointment must be made due to social distancing requirements. To make an appointment to view the documents please 01914333415 or email ldf@gateshead.gov.uk.
If you have any queries please email us at ldf@gateshead.gov.uk
Biodiversity SPD: Scoping Report (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)