Find out more about starting your adoption journey with Adopt North East.

We deliver a number of day and evening courses across Gateshead.

Information, advice and guidance on a range of services that will support you and the people you care about to live a thriving life.

How we review and assess the air quality in Gateshead.
Find out about the allotment sites in Gateshead and how you can apply for your own allotment site.

All you need to know about Gateshead's iconic public modern artwork.

Learn more about how we carry out animal welfare checks in Gateshead.

We are responsible for issuing a range of animal licences to the ensure the owners of animals comply with legislation and standards.

How to report anti-social behaviour if it is causing alarm or distress to you or the community where you live.

Find out how to apply for an apprenticeship with local employers.

Information, advice and support for people with Autism and their families in Gateshead.