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If you use a council car park in Gateshead you could save money by buying a three month, six month or 12 month permit.
Location of car parks within Gateshead and information on charges, parking permit costs and availability of electric vehicle charge points.
Request a care assessment or a care and support review for you or someone you know.
Details and contact information for our cemeteries.
Chase Park, Gateshead, is a newly refurbished park in Whickham.
Information about British Citizenship Ceremonies and where they happen in Gateshead.
Dedicated to reducing crime and improving community safety in Gateshead.
If you are over 16 and physically disabled you may be eligible for reduced or free travel on public transport in the borough.
Strategy for dealing with contaminated land, including maps.
Information on the Council's financial policies including budgets.
The latest edition of Council News magazine from Gateshead Council
Monday 11th October 2021
Find out about the countryside sites in Gateshead.
Find out about our range of day and evening courses across Gateshead and enrol for courses online.
Information about the two crematoria in Gateshead.
Pay a council invoice (sundry debtors).
Pay your Council Tax online, or by Direct Debit, phone, bank transfer or cheque