Report hate crime and hate incidents online
Help and advice if you need to report an incident or have a complaint about a health and safety matter in the workplace.
Location and opening hours for Heworth Burn Cemetery
Location and opening hours for Heworth Cemetery

A list of recently completed and upcoming highways programmes and schemes throughout Gateshead.

Find out more about listed buildings and conservation areas.

Information and guidance for parents considering home education

We can help with everyday tasks so that people can live comfortably in their own homes.
Location and opening hours for Hookergate Cemetery

Find out about our two household waste and recycling centres and book a visit to dispose of your household waste.

Information on your green household waste bin, including usage, collection and the cost of replacements
Information on legislation around houses in multiple occupation.
Information on council housing, and help and advice for private tenants, council tenants and landlords.

Information about Housing Benefit and how to apply.

Pay your Home Care and Day Care charges

Pay your Gateshead housing rent