We are committed to being open and transparent about how we work, how our decisions are made and what services we provide. As part of this commitment we publish information about how we spend our money and buy our services, the land and assets we won, our decision making and council finances.
The information we publish follows the Local Government Transparency Code (opens new window). The Code sets out the minimum requirements for local authorities to publish open data for re-use and in a timely way.
Data is published under the Open Government Licence (opens new window) and is available for you to re-use as you like, including for commercial and research activities.
See our Local Government Transparency Code 2015 Schedule of Requirements (PDF, 301 KB)(opens new window).
- Council finance - Information on the council's financial policies including budgets.
- Expenditure over £500 - This sets out payments to suppliers where the invoice was £500 or over.
- Government Procurement Card transactions - Data is not available as not used by Gateshead Council.
- Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations - Details of grants given to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.
- Prompt payment notice - Details of payment performance with contracted suppliers in line with guidance issued in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
- Counter fraud - Our approach to fraud as well as defining roles and responsibilities for dealing with the threat of fraud and corruption, both internally and externally.
- Social housing assets - Information on the market valuations of our social housing assets.
Contracts and procurement
- Corporate procurement - Information about contracts entered into by the council along with tender opportunities.
- Organisational structures and senior officers pay - Organisational structure of the council and senior officer pay bands.
- Pay policy statement (including pay multiple) - This sets out the ratio between the highest paid officer, the Chief Executive, and the median earnings figure of the council's workforce.
- Gender pay gap report (publication required by the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017) - Data showing the difference between the average earnings of men and women employed by Gateshead Council.
- Workforce equality information (publication required by the Equality Act 2010) - Our data linking to workforce equality, diversity and inclusion (publication required by the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011)
- Parking - car parks - Details of car and coach parks and pay and display bay locations.
- Parking enforcement in car parks - Information showing how we enforce parking in car parks.
Council land and property assets - Details of all council owned land and property.
- Council constitution - Details of the council constitution based on a Leader and Cabinet form of executive.
- Trade Union facility time - Data on the amount and cost of trade union facility time.
- Public funerals - Information on public funerals that are held in Gateshead (published on a discretionary basis).
- North East Procurement Organisation Portal (NEPO) - Details of the North East Procurement Organisation Portal (published on a discretionary basis).
- Gateshead equality profile - Our population equality information (publication required by the Equality Act 2010).
- Equality and diversity report - Our annual update showing our compliance with the Equality Act 2010 (publication required by the Equality Act 2010).
- Equality objectives - Our published equality objectives (publication required by the Equality Act 2010).
* This data is published to demonstrate the Council's compliance with the Equality Duty and not the Local Government Transparency Code 2015.