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Fair Access Process

Every local authority is required to have in place a Fair Access Protocol, developed in partnership and agreed with the majority of its schools, in which all admission authorities including Academies must participate. 

The purpose of Fair Access Protocols is to ensure that - outside the normal admissions round - unplaced children/young people, especially the most vulnerable, are found and offered a place quickly, so that the amount of time any child/young person is out of school is kept to the minimum. 

For the vast majority of children and young people the protocol will not be necessary or relevant; it is intended to be used where there are particular difficulties in securing a mainstream school place or appropriate provision.

From a school/academy perspective the purpose of these protocols is to establish a fair and transparent system, which ensures that all schools/academies admit their fair share of children and young people.

From a child or young person's perspective the purpose of the protocol is to ensure that access to education is secured quickly where a fresh start is indicated. 

Download the Primary Fair Access Protocol (PDF, 10 MB)(opens new window)

Download the Secondary Pupil Placement guidance (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)