Apply for an apprenticeship
Become an apprentice

Many employers across the North East are waiting to employ an apprentice - it could be you!
All of our apprenticeships last for 12 months, but are usually longer and come with on and off the job training.
Apply for an apprenticeship with a local business
Apply and you can get access to over 30 vacancies with local employers and we will guarantee you an interview.
We have jobs available in: Business Administration, Customer Service, ICT, Digital Marketing, Event Planner, Teaching Assistant and Early Years Nursery Assistant.
LearningSkills school leavers guide (opens new window)
This pack explains our current offer of apprentices, traineeships and study programmes. You can read about all our available vocations, what you can expect to do in each role and where you can progress to. It also contains information on how to apply.
Interview skills leaflet (PDF, 528 KB)(opens new window)
This will give you some fantastic interview tips and tips on how to write a brilliant CV. The guide will help you become successful with your apprenticeship interviews.