The world of SEND can be confusing but help is at hand! There are a number of services and people in Gateshead that can help you to understand the different SEND processes and support you through them.
Click here to download Gateshead Council’s SEND Support And Guidance Document 2021
Family Information Service and Directory
The Family Information Service offers free, confidential and impartial advice and guidance for those caring for a child on: childcare...
Special Educational Needs Inclusion Team (SENIT)
Our Special Educational Needs Inclusion Team (SENIT) consists of three teams; the 0-3 Portage Service, the Low Incidence Needs Team (LINT) and the...
NHS Little Orange Book
The Little Orange Book - Every parent worries when our little ones are not well. But help is at hand! The Little Orange Book was developed by NHS...
SEND Capital Allocation Spending
The SEND Capital Provision Allocations support local authorities (LAs) to make capital investments in provision for pupils with...
Contact – for families with disabled children
Contact have general help available for families who have children with additional needs including advice, guidance and a Listening Ear service....
Support for Parent Caregivers
Support for Parent Caregivers in Gateshead is changing. From 1 September 2024, support for Parent Caregivers will be delivered by Carers Federation....
SEND Guide for Parents / Carers
Pre-School (0-4) Referral Process
Referrals are made to the Gateshead 0-4 Referral Meeting which has multi-agency representation and is held fortnightly during term-time. Referrals...
Learning Disability Matters
The Learning Disabilities Matters web app is primarily for parents and carers of children and young people who have been identified as having a...
Where to Get Information, Advice and Support
In Gateshead, we believe that early action to address identified needs is fundamental to the future progress and improved outcomes that are...
Gateshead SEND Strategy 2023-26
In Gateshead, we believe supporting children with SEND is everyone’s business. Through the SEND strategy 2023-2026, we would like to share with you...
Gateshead Psychological Service
Gateshead Psychological Service supports schools and families to ensure that all children and young people can have the opportunity to fulfil their...
Gateshead Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) helps us to understand the key issues facing people in Gateshead and is used to identify key strategic...
Commissioning Services
Gateshead Council and Gateshead’s Intergrated Care Board (a group of GPs who plan local health services) are required by clause 25 of the...
SEND Children and Young People’s Voice Toolkit
Practitioners working with children and young people (CYP) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) have developed a set of engagement...
Gateshead Citizen’s Advice – Neurodiversity
Do you have, care for someone who has or suspected of having a neurodivergent condition? If so, we can offer you or them advice and support....