Support for parents of autistic children
If your child has not yet been diagnosed with autism but you want to pursue a formal diagnosis please see more information below:
- Diagnosis and Assessment (0-25 years)
- Getting a diagnosis for children - National Autistic Society (opens new window)
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Autism Pathways (opens new window)
- Children and Young People's Service (CYPS) leaflet (PDF, 758 KB)(opens new window)
- Children's and Young Person's Service - how to make a referral (Word doc, 16 KB)(opens new window)
- Autism Pathway Information - children and young people (PDF, 275 KB)(opens new window)
- CYPS referral form (PDF, 110 KB)(opens new window)
- CYPS referrer leaflet (PDF, 287 KB)(opens new window)
- Adult Autism Diagnostic Service leaflet (PDF, 225 KB)(opens new window)
Information, advice and support for parents/carers
Gateshead's Local Offer gives children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs or disabilities, including autism, and their families information about what support services are available in and around Gateshead. It contains a section specifically written for parents/carers, a searchable online service directory, information about the SEND support and what support is available.
There are a number of services, organisations and people in Gateshead that can provide you with independent information and advice:
- Information, advice and support about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Information and Advice Service (SENDIAS) (opens new window)
- SEND newsletters and mailing lists (Word doc, 15 KB)(opens new window)
This service directory highlights local, regional and national services and organisations, some of which are autism-specific:
Gateshead's Autism Information Hub
Gateshead Autism Hubs offer parents and carers of autistic children and young people (0-25 years) information, advice and support on a range of challenges that can impact autistic young people and their families. The Hubs provide drop-in sessions, peer support groups, and training for parents, carers, and professionals.
The Hubs can also offer information and signposting on related co-occurring conditions, such as: FASD, ADHD, Sensory Differences, Social and Communication Differences, Mental Health, and Learning Disabilities. Gateshead Autism Hubs are free to access for parents and carers. An autism diagnosis is not required to access support.
Find out more on the Daisy Chain Project website. (opens new window)
Autism Parent Support Group
Gateshead Autism Hubs parent support groups are for parents and carers of children who display traits associated with, or have a diagnosis of autism.
These sessions will provide a safe space for parents and carers to meet others in a similar situation and provide the opportunity for peer support, enabling parents to support each other, share experiences and ideas. These groups are facilitated by a Gateshead Autism Hubs team member. The aim is to provide a supportive and empowering environment for parents and carers.
Parent support groups are designed to be relaxed and informal, providing you with the opportunity to meet other parents/carers in similar situations and discuss any topics or situations that you might be finding challenging, as well as sharing positive stories, top tips, strategies and information. A member of the Gateshead Autism Hubs team will always be present at these drop-ins to provide support and facilitate the group.
Some sessions take place face-to-face and some take place online. More information on the family support groups.
Gateshead Autism Information Hub (opens new window)
Gateshead Autism Hubs offer parents and carers of autistic children and young people (0-25 years) information, advice and support on a range of challenges that can impact autistic young people and their families.
The Hubs provide:
- Multi-agency drop-in sessions
- Peer support groups (online and in person)
- Training for parents, carers, and professionals
The Hubs can also offer information and signposting on related co-occurring conditions, such as: FASD, ADHD, Sensory Differences, Social and Communication Differences, Mental Health, and Learning Disabilities. Gateshead Autism Hubs are free to access for parents and carers. An autism diagnosis is not required to access support.
Find out more on the Daisy Chain Project website. (opens new window)
Support at nursery or school
We want children with autism to get the right support as early as possible to help them develop to their full potential at nursery, school and beyond.
Nurseries and early years providers in Gateshead must have arrangements in place in order to identify as early as possible if a child has additional needs (including autism) and to provide relevant support for them using their own budget. If your child is already at nursery and you feel they need additional support, speak to a member of staff at the nursery about what support is available. You can ask to see a copy of their SEND Information report which explains how they identify and provide support for children with additional needs. Gateshead Council also commissions a special team called the Early Years Support (0-4 years) which helps nurseries and early years providers with the assessment of and provision of intervention, support and reviews for children identified as needing additional significant help.
Schools and academies also have responsibilities to identify whether children have additional needs and to provide appropriate timely support and this should be explained in their SEND School Information report, which you can request directly from the school or find on their website. The Council also commissions a specialist team called the Special Educational Needs Improvement Team (SENIT), a team made up of specialist teachers and teaching assistants, which works with schools and academies to ensure that children and young people identified as having additional needs receive the right support at the right time.
More information: Education provision
Find out more about the range of specialist educational provision and support available for school-age children with autism in Gateshead.
Information about home education can be found on our home education webpage (opens new window).
NHS Little Orange Book
The The Little Orange Book (PDF, 6 MB)(opens new window) contains tips and advice on how to manage common illnesses and problems that babies and young children often experience in the first five years of their lives. It also has more information on more serious conditions, what to look out for and how to get help.
Visiting the dentist
The National Autism Society has published some really useful information about preparing for a dentist visit in recognition that this can be a stressful time for both children with autism and their parents.
Childcare, out of school clubs, parent support groups and social/leisure opportunities
FACETS - specialist short breaks scheme for children and young people with Autism
Gateshead Council commissions a specialist short breaks scheme for children and young people with autism and associated learning disabilities/behaviours that challenge. This scheme is called FACETS (Families and Children Empowered Through Specialist Support).
The holiday scheme runs 9.30am - 3.30pm Monday to Friday during all school holidays (excluding the Christmas period and bank holidays). The service caters for children and young people aged five-17 with autism and associated learning disabilities/behaviours that challenge. All children who access the scheme have undergone a Child In Need (social care) assessment which has identified that they require specialist service provision.
For more information you can contact your child's social worker (if they currently have one).
Family Information Service
Gateshead's Family Information Service offers free, confidential and impartial advice and guidance to parents and carers on childcare (registered and un-registered) and early years services in Gateshead, free entitlement to early years provision and about childcare settings that have experience in offering services to children with special educational needs and disabilities.
For more information phone 0191 433 5118 or email
The Twisting Ducks Theatre Company
The Twisting Ducks Theatre Company makes entertaining, accessible and informative drama about issues that are important to the company and to people with learning disabilities. They offer a range of arts projects, accessible to people with learning disabilities and autism including:
- Spectrum - an autism theatre group based at Northern Stage for adults with autism spectrum disorders who live or work in Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Fee-based academies for people aged 16+ with learning disabilities and/or autism, including Band Academy, Dance Academy, Performing Arts Academy and DJ Academy.
There is also a bi-monthly theatre night and film night and a monthly gig night and live karaoke at Dance City on the third Tuesday of each month. A club night called 'Fresh' also runs at World Headquarters in Newcastle on the 1st Tuesday every month.
For more information phone 07925 167 775 or email
Gateshead school directory
Many schools and academies offer out of school clubs, some of which may be open to children that don't attend that particular school. You can contact schools and academies directly to find out what's on offer and whether they are able to provide appropriate support for your child.
Active Kidz
Gateshead Council's Play Service runs the Active Kidz Holiday Play Scheme during school holiday periods, some of which are available for children with autism to access. Places are limited and must be booked in advance. Phone 0191 433 7117 for more information.
Gateshead's Children's Centres
Our Childrens Centres offer a variety of activities for children and young people and families. Most are accessible and inclusive and some are specifically designed for those with SEN and disabilities. Phone 0191 433 6300 for more information or visit our Children's Centres webpage.
Social and leisure opportunities
In Gateshead and across the North East there are a range of social and leisure activities you and your child can choose to take part in. If you have a key supporter they can advise you about activities that are suitable for your child, delivered by people who are experienced and trained in supporting children with additional needs and disabilities.
Gateshead Network of Children with Disabilities
Registering your child on the Gateshead Network of Children with Disabilities provides them with discounted access to leisure centres, swimming pools and cultural and historic places of interest in Gateshead.
If you are on Facebook or Twitter you may find it useful to Like the North East Autism Society Facebook (opens new window) and Twitter (opens new window) pages, where posts are uploaded regularly about activities happening in the North East and you will find other parents of children with autism.
NE-AS parent support group at Heworth Grange School
The North East Autism Society run a fortnightly support group for parents at Heworth Grange School, NE10 0PT from 6 to 7pm on Thursdays. Children are welcome.
For more information, email
NE-AS parent and toddler groups
The North East Autism Society (NEAS) run the following weekly parent and toddler groups:
- Tuesdays: 10am to 12noon at the North East Centre for Autism, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 6UN
- Wednesdays: 9.30am to 10.45am at Pelton Children's Centre, DH2 1EZ
- Fridays: 1pm to 2.30pm at Stanley Children's Centre, DH9 0AB
NE-AS Gym Club at Benfield Centre for Sporting Excellence
The North East Autism Society (Newcastle-Gateshead branch) runs a gym club for all ages and abilities twice a month on Sundays from 4pm to 5.30pm at Benfield Centre for Sporting Excellence, NE6 4NU.
Cost: £2 per child per session (suggested donation, siblings welcome and parents must stay to supervise children).
For more information phone 07920 086 299 or email
The Toby Henderson Trust
The Toby Henderson Trust provides relevant, appropriate and accessible support for autistic young people from 2 to 20 years old, while also empowering parents, families and carers by sharing knowledge, experience and understanding.
The charity's focus is early pre-school intervention (age 2 to 7) to improve the long-term quality of life for both the autistic child and their family and carers.
For more information phone 01670 789 753, email or visit the website. (opens new window)
Calvert Trust at Kielder
The Calvert Trust enables people with disabilities, together with their families and friends, to achieve their potential through the challenge of outdoor adventure in the countryside.
For ore information phone 01434 250 232 or visit the website (opens new window).