Looked after children and young people service
The vast majority of looked after children have become 'looked after' for care and protection reasons. Some will have experienced neglect or mental, physical or emotional abuse.
Gateshead Council believes that all looked after children deserve the best experiences in life. From excellent care which promotes good health and educational attainment, to a wide range of opportunities to develop their talents and skills in order to have an enjoyable childhood and successful adult life. Stable placements and support during transition are all essential elements provided, with children able to achieve their potential through the ambition and high expectations of all those involved in their lives.
Services to children and young people 'looked after'
All 'looked after' children and young people have their needs fully assessed and an individual care plan is produced. This outlines how their needs will be met as well as arrangements for their current and longer term care.
Every looked after child and young person has their own social worker. The social worker will visit the child or young person where they are living for as long as they remain looked after. Looked After Review Meetings to talk about plans and whether they are working are held regularly. Every looked after child and young person has an Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) and it is part of this person's job to run this meeting.
Every looked after child and young person is offered regular health assessments so that any health needs can be met and so that they can be given advice and guidance on health and personal care.
Gateshead Council ensures that looked after children and young people are able to continue going to their own school wherever possible and especially when young people are in final exams years. A personal education plan is produced which is record of a child or young person's education and training and contains essential information that the school needs to know.
Young people over 16 years
If young people are in care after their 16th birthday, they are entitled to services as a care leaver. A Personal Advisor will work with young people to participate in the assessment, preparation and review of the Pathway Plans, and provide continued support to the young people through their transition into independence. The Personal Advisor will support young person with accommodation, education, training and employment and work to improve the outcomes for the young people leaving care.