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Safer parking scheme

Park Mark
The Park Mark Safer Parking Scheme (opens new window) Scheme is a national standard for UK car parks that have low crime and measures in place to ensure the safety of people and vehicles. A Park Mark is awarded to each car park that achieves the challenging standards.

The distinctive Park Mark signage helps drivers find car parks where they can confidently leave their vehicle, knowing the environment is safer for them, their passengers and vehicle.

To be awarded a 'Park Mark' car parks are independently judged to have achieved high standards of security. Owners and operators must meet a stringent set of standards, including good design and management and provide an effective level of security patrols, good lighting and help points.

Over 1120 car parks in the UK currently hold Park Mark status and operators as well as users have seen the benefits of increased security within car parks. In recognition of our investment in security, we are proud to be the holder of seven of these prestigious awards.

The car parks that have achieved the Park Mark Award are:

  • Back Durham Road (North) Car Park, Birtley
  • Civic Centre Car Park, Gateshead
  • Church Street Car Park, Gateshead Quays
  • Cross Keys Lane Car Park, Low Fell
  • Heworth North (Long Stay) Car Park, Heworth
  • Lowrey's Lane Car Park, Low Fell
  • Swinburne Street Car Park, Gateshead
  • Whickham Shopping Precinct (East) Short Stay Car Park, Whickham
  • Whickham Shopping Precinct (West) Long Stay Car Park, Whickham
  • Wrekenton Centre Car Park, Wrekenton

We will continue to strive to ensure that all public car parks in the Borough are brought up to the standards set out in the Park Mark Safer Parking scheme.