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Resident's visitor parking permits

Resident visitor permits enable a resident's visitor to park for a three hour period in a controlled parking zone.

Permits will be issued to residents only.

Residents should purchase their visitor permits in advance and give them to their visitors when required. The permits may only be used in the zone for which they are issued and are not valid for any other controlled parking zone in the borough.

There are two types of visitor permit:

Visitor scratchcards

These come on sheets, 10 scratch cards (where available) for £5.50. They can only be used once and full instructions for use are on the scratchcard.

Visitor disc

These are a reusable disc (available to residents who also have a disabled blue badge) (where available) for £16. Only one per property can be issued and only residents who have a disabled Blue Badge may apply. A disc is valid for three years.

Each household may buy up to four packs of ten scratchcards per application, or per month. If there is a disabled Blue Badge holder resident at the property, they may apply for one visitor disc (one per household).

How to apply

Application forms and guidance notes are available below to download.

If you are unsure which form you require please contact Parking Services on 0191 433 3143.

Please ensure you enclose the correct fee with your application.

Visitor permit application form (PDF, 131 KB)(opens new window)

Visitor permit guidance notes (PDF, 75 KB)(opens new window)

Permits can be applied for by post. Please include your payment (cheque or postal order made payable to Gateshead Council) and supporting documentation, send to:

Parking Services
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street

Permits will be sent out in the post. Please allow up to 14 days for your permit application to be processed.

Permit fees and charges
Permit typeFee 
Resident visitor scratchcard (sheets of 10) (where available)


Resident visitor disc (available to residents who also have a disabled blue badge) (where available)£16
Landlord permit£50
Business permit£160
Health professionals' permit£110
Replacement permit (lost or stolen etc.)£20
Change of vehicle fee£10
Trade permit£10 fixed charge plus £2 per vehicle per day
West Street loading bay permit£160