Waiting restrictions: single and double yellow lines

Waiting restrictions indicated by yellow lines apply to the carriageway, pavement and verge. You may stop to load or unload (unless there are also loading restrictions) or while passengers board or alight.
Double yellow lines mean no waiting at any time, unless there are signs that specifically indicate seasonal restrictions.
The times at which the restrictions apply for other road markings are shown on nearby plates or on entry signs to controlled parking zones.
If no days are shown on the signs, the restrictions are in force every day including Sundays and Bank Holidays.
Please note that yellow lines apply from the centre of the road to the edge of the highway. This means that you cannot park on the pavement or verge by a yellow line.
Blue Badge holders
Blue Badge holders can park for up to three hours on single or double yellow lines when there are no loading restrictions in place. The Blue Badge must be displayed and the clock must be set to the time of arrival.
If you park here during restricted times
If a vehicle is parked on a single or double yellow lines and a Civil Enforcement Officer does not observe any of the above activities taking place, a parking ticket (PCN) will be issued.
Please note - only one wheel needs to be on the line for this to count as parked on a yellow line.