Loading bays

Loading bays are provided for areas where there is little or no alternative parking, to allow loading and unloading to and from businesses.
Some bays are signed as Goods Vehicles Loading Only. This means that only vehicles constructed or adapted for use for the carriage or haulage of goods can use the bay.
A Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) will observe your vehicle in a loading bay to see if any loading or unloading is taking place. If the CEO does not see anything, they issue a Penalty Charge Notice.
I was unloading but I still got a Penalty Charge Notice
All this means is that the CEO did not see you loading or unloading before they issued the Penalty Charge Notice.
You might be able to get this cancelled by providing an acceptable explanation why the vehicle was unattended for so long and a copy of any documents confirming that a delivery or collection was taking place.
Blue Badge holders
Blue Badge holders may not park in a loading bay.
The sign does not show any days of operation
If any sign does not mention specific days, it means that it is in operation every day of the week.