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Parking Suspensions

Parking suspensions allow vehicles to park in parking bays for longer than the maximum time limit, where the Council agrees that it is necessary to allow one or more the following activities to take place at that location:

  • traffic movement and safety
  • essential building/ maintenance works
  • furniture removals
  • filming
  • special events
  • weddings or funerals.

The suspension does not permanently remove the legal status of the parking place; it only removes it (or the designated part of it) from use during the suspension period.  We need to balance all requests of this nature with other factors, including other work or events in the area, so our agreement to any suspension request cannot be assumed until it is given.

Suspension costs

For each suspension there is a non-refundable administration charge of £120 plus £5.50 per bay (or equivalent space) per day. If the suspension of a bay or space is likely to result in loss of income to us, there may also be an additional charge to cover that loss. If your application is approved, the charge must be paid before the suspension is implemented.

How to apply

Applications must be received at least ten working days before the start of the suspension period. This is to allow the application to be considered, any site inspections to take place and any interested parties to be informed, as well as for notices to be produced and placed on site for the required period in advance of the suspension.

Apply for a parking suspension


If approved we will contact you for the remaining payment. 

The administration charge and additional fee can be paid by cheque or postal order made payable to Gateshead Council, and send to:

Parking Services
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street

Extending the suspension

If you need to extend a parking suspension which is already in force, you need to give us at least five working days' notice, together with reasons. This is to allow time for the request to be considered and for other affected parties to be given some notice of what is happening.

If notice is not received in time, your request will be refused and you will need to apply for a fresh suspension. The standard ten working days' notice period stated above will then apply.

Cancellations and early terminations

No refund will be paid where a suspension is ended early.  Where we exceptionally agree to a refund, an administration fee of £15 for BACS transfer or £25 to raise a cheque.

If this page does not answer your questions

Contact us

0191 433 3636