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Travel plans

A travel plan is a set of measures that are designed to suit an organisation's specific transport needs. Its aim is to reduce the number of regular journeys made by car, particularly car journeys with a single occupant.

We can help you plan, create and put in place a travel plan that works for you, your employees and visitors.

Travel Plans are created voluntarily to manage transport issues and for development or planning purposes.

Reasons for developing a Travel Plan include:

  • Delays and personal stress caused by traffic jams;
  • Parking problems;
  • Congestion resulting in poor air quality;
  • Increased noise pollution.


Schools are also encouraged to consider development of a Travel Plan to reduce congestion in the vicinity of their site and to encourage healthier travel choices by pupils, parents and teachers alike. An up to date Travel Plan is required when a school is planning to undergo alterations or improvements requiring planning permission

We have developed a website,, which contains downloadable resources to assist teachers promote use of active and sustainable travel in the classroom. 

A mapping website is also available for parents and children to plan their journey to and from school. It is also useful for teachers in the classroom.

Contact us

Travel Plans
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street

0191 433 3161