Meals and shopping
If you have difficulty making meals at home or getting to the shop to buy food, there are different ways of getting the help you need in order to stay as independent as possible.
Support from those around you
- Some people like to get help from their friends, family or neighbours. They might be happy to pick you up some items, take you shopping with them or help you unpack and put away your items.
- If you have a care worker, they may be able to help you get to the shop or get your shopping for you.
Getting to the shops
If you have trouble getting to a shop, you could:
- consider getting a taxi or use public transport
- order your groceries online
- some supermarkets provide a free home delivery service from the store, which means you can do your own shopping without worrying about getting it home
- AgeUK Gateshead (opens new window) also provide a home delivery shopping service for anyone who is returning home after being in hospital
Ordering groceries online
Most supermarkets offer online home delivery services. This means that you can order your shopping online and it will be delivered to your door. Your friends, family or neighbours may be able to help you with this if you don't feel comfortable using the internet.
Most supermarkets also offer a Click and Collect service. This is when you order your shopping online and it is delivered to the shop for you to collect. This can be helpful if you want to ask a friend, relative or care worker to collect your shopping for you, but don't want to take up too much of their time.
Preparing meals
If you have difficulty preparing meals for yourself, you could:
- ask your friends, family or carer to prepare meals for you or help you to regain these skills yourself
- order food from a variety of local restaurants in Gateshead that will deliver hot meals to your door
- use the Elderly Accommodation Counsel's service directory (opens new window) to search for hot meals providers in your area
- use one of the many lunch clubs available in Gateshead, which is also a great way to get out the house and meet new people
- visit Meals on Wheels (opens new window) to find a potential local provider
View home care agencies commissioned by Gateshead Council
Contact Adult Social Care
There are many ways to contact the adult social care team, both online and over the phone.
We encourage people who can contact us online to do so, as it helps to free up phone lines for emergencies or for those who don't have access to or the skills to use computers.