Short term support
Our People Regaining Independence by Means of Enablement (PRIME) service provides high quality short term care packages that are flexible and responsive to an individual's needs within their own home. Care is provided primarily for older people but can also be provided for younger adults.
There is no charge for the period of a planned enablement service. At the beginning of the period, we will agree the time scale which the service may be required for. This will be regularly monitored throughout the enablement period, with goals and outcomes amended accordingly.
The aims of the service are to:
- provide intensive, short-term support to enable people with physical or mental health needs to lead a fulfilling life, by learning or re-learning skills for independent daily living
- provide people with the right care (to promote independence and meet needs), in the right place (within their own homes) at the right time (immediate support when individual needs have increased)
- minimise a whole life cost of care and people's dependency on long term social care support by providing needs-led, focused interventions in a crisis episode or to support people in recovery following hospitalisation, illness or disability
- provide a model of care building on people's strengths - embracing principles of self-management and independence
- empower people and improve their health and well-being, enabling individuals to remain in their own homes and be active and valued in their own communities
- provide easy access to appropriate and timely support, and provide a better knowledge of the wider support available
- reduce the risk of unnecessary (re)admissions to residential care or hospital and / or the length of stay within a hospital setting, as well as aiding timely hospital discharges
- reduce the burden of care for family carers who would have a more extensive caring role without our help
- create alternatives to traditional modes of council direct provision, attaining people's needs and aspirations in a person-centred way
If at any point after an enablement period it is identified that you still have needs that are eligible for care and support, we will carry out a needs assessment and agree a care and support package with you that meets your needs. A financial assessment will also be required to work out how much you may need to pay towards the cost of your care. Charges will apply from the date it is agreed you need a long-term care service, regardless of the care provider.
Rapid Response Service
The rapid response service provides care and support to individuals experiencing a short-term crisis. However, the person must be medically fit and be able to have their needs met safely in their own home with their consent.
The purpose of the service is to avoid unnecessary hospital admissions and aid timely discharges, reduce admissions to promoting independence centres and minimise care home admissions.
The service will operate 24/7 for up to 7 days per week, for which there is no charge. It is available to all Gateshead residents from the age of 18 years old.
The service provides users the opportunity to have a seamless transition into PRIME where appropriate.
Referrals are received from our Adult Social Care Direct team, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Social Care team or out of hours through our Emergency Duty team.
Contact Adult Social Care
There are many ways to contact the adult social care team, both online and over the phone.
We encourage people who can contact us online to do so, as it helps to free up phone lines for emergencies or for those who don't have access to or the skills to use computers.