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Road signs and markings

Local direction and tourist signing has an important role to play in out traffic management strategy. To prevent unnecessary signage, and following national guidance, we will generally only allow signing as set out below.

Direction signing is used to guide traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian, safely and efficiently through the highway network to its destination. The general approach is to direct traffic in three stages:

  • Towards a general destination such as a town
  • then towards a specific area
  • and finally to a local destination such as a street nameplate, building or car park.

The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 governs the placing of signs on the public highway. This act allows the Local Highway Authority to erect designated signs on their highway. These signs are specified in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002. Any variation from the specified signs would need to be authorised by the Department for Transport.

Signs off the public highway and not for highway purposes may require Advertisement Consent under the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisement) Regulations.

All signs must be approved by us before erection.

Applications will not be considered unless the specified criteria are satisfied.

Contact us

Network Management
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street

Phone: 0191 433 3108