Hedley Hall Farm, Beamish
Map and statement
Application reference number: | A25F 7(a) & (b) |
Copy of Map: | Yes |
Copy of Statement: | Yes |
Name and address of person who Deposited statement (incl. postcode): | Peter Johnson of The Riding, Riding Lane, Kibblesworth, Gateshead NE1 0JA |
Date the Council received Map: | 31 March 2009 |
Date the Council received Statement: | 31 March 2009 |
Details of land
Ordnance Survey grid reference: | NZ222567 |
Name of Parish or Ward: | Lamesley |
Postcode of buildings on the land: | |
Nearest town or city to O.S grid reference: | Gateshead |
Copy of Statutory declaration: | Yes |
Name of person who made Statutory Declaration: | Peter Johnson |
Address (including postcode) of person who made declaration: | Address as above |
Date of which 10 years period expires: | 30 March 2019 |
Previous statutory declarations: | No |
Documents: | Land known as Hedley Hall Farm (PDF, 523 KB)(opens new window) |