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The Carr Ellison Estate, Dunston, Whickham

Map and statement

Application reference number:A25F 11(a)
Copy of Map:Yes
Copy of Statement:Yes
Name and address of person who 
Deposited statement (incl. postcode):

Roderick Findlay,
The Carr Ellison Estate,
c/o Land factor,
Bywell Estate Office,
NE43 7AQ

Date the Council received Map:24 November 2014
Date the Council received Statement:24 November 2014

Details of land

Ordnance Survey grid reference:NZ361572
Name of Parish or Ward:Whickham
Postcode of buildings on the land:N/A
Nearest town or city to O.S grid reference:Gateshead


Copy of Statutory declaration:Dated 20 January 2015 received by the Council on 22 January 2015
Officer:Umi Filby
Telephone:0191 433 2219

Carr Ellison Estate Application Documents-A25F11(a) (PDF, 670 KB)(opens new window)
Carr Ellison Estate Highways Declaration (PDF, 325 KB)(opens new window)
Carr Ellison Estate Notice of Application (PDF, 91 KB)(opens new window)
Carr Ellison Estate notice to lodge declaration (PDF, 40 KB)(opens new window)