Shipley Art Gallery

Over the last 25 years the venue has become established as a national centre for contemporary craft and has built up one of the best collections outside London, including ceramics, wood, metal, glass, textiles and furniture.
The Designs for Life gallery is home to hundreds of objects made in many parts of the world over the past 2000 years. These objects range from the special and unique to the everyday and mass-produced. They take us on a journey to explore the huge variety of ways in which we use the material world to express ourselves and to enrich our lives.
Current and forthcoming exhibitions
The Gallery stages a varied programme of temporary exhibitions as well as regular events and activities for all ages. Please visit (opens new window) for more details.
Admission: Free, donations welcome
Opening hours
Tuesday, 10am to 4pm
Wednesday, 10am to 4pm
Thursday, 10am to 4pm
Friday, 10am to 4pm
Saturday, 10am to 5pm
Sunday and Monday, closed