The planning process explained
About 90% of planning applications are decided by planning officers. Applications that receive a large number of objections are decided by the Planning and Development Committee.
Informing and consulting
When we receive a planning application, we inform neighbours in writing. We will inform other residents if we feel that the impact may be wider (normally for larger developments). You will not be advised of the outcome of an application. We therefore encourage you to use the 'Track' feature online, which will allow you to track the progress of an application.
View the planning application before you comment.
Find out more about the planning system at the Planning Portal (opens new window)
The consultation period ends 21 days after you have been notified by us. You can provide your comments in writing through Public Access. You will need to register (opens new window) before you can leave a comment. You can also comment by letter to:
Development Management
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street
Or by email to
Make sure your comments are relevant to the application, using the guide to material considerations (PDF, 378 KB)(opens new window). Include the site address and application number. Do not leave it until the end of the 21 days to make your views known.
Comments and issues raised
Planning applications are public documents. Any comments made for or against a planning application are available for the public to view by request.
We take all issues raised into account when forming a recommendation.
The Constitution of the Council (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window) Schedule 2, Part 1 "Delegations to Individual Managers" provides further detail.
If you have made a comment, you must confirm in writing if you want to speak at the Planning and Development Committee to explain your objections or support. You can request that a ward councillor speaks on your behalf.
Check the Planning and Development Committee agendas (opens new window) five working days before the meeting to make sure that the planning application is on the agenda. Read the rules for speaking at the Planning and Development Committee.
Decision and appeals
We aim to determine all:
- minor or household planning applications within eight weeks
- major developments within 13 weeks
- applications requiring an Environmental Assessment within 16 weeks
You will not be advised of the outcome of an application. We therefore encourage you to use the 'Track' feature online, which will allow you to track the progress of an application.
Approved applications may have planning conditions attached. It's important to check these and ensure that your development complies with them. If you don't, you may be liable to enforcement action or even invalidate your permission. These conditions can be appealed.
If we refuse a planning application we will give you reasons why we did so. For further information on how to appeal a decision visit the website (opens new window).
Only the applicant can appeal against the council's decision. There is no third party right of appeal against the granting of a planning application.
You can make two types of amendments to an approved application.
- non-material: we will check minor changes to a proposal within 28 days
- material: for more significant changes, we need to change the approved plans condition on your permission. You will submit your revised plans and we will consider this as a new application.
Both applications for non-material and material changes will incur a planning fee.
Visit Gov.UK (opens new window) and find out how a proposal that has planning permission can be amended. To make an amendment complete the Planning Portal (opens new window) form. You will be asked what type of application you are making at step two.