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Apply for planning permission and validation requirements

Before applying for planning permission you may wish to consider applying for pre-application enquiry advice service.  

This can help to determine what information may be required before submitting for planning permission and can help to ensure your application is complete and accurate first time.  Read the guidance on the benefits of advice before GOV.UK guidance (opens new window)

If you are unsure as to whether you may require planning permission get advice via our pre-application enquiry service.

Visit the website (opens new window) for further information about permitted development.


Prior to submitting a formal planning application please first ensure you have read and checked the Tyneside Validation Checklist (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window) as to the plans and information required.

If any information is missing from your submission this will delay the processing and validation of your application, we therefore advise you to check the submission requirements in detail before making your submission

BNG (Biodiversity Net Gain) became mandatory for applications for:

  • major developments made on or after 12 February 2024 
  • minor development (small sites) made on or after 2 April 2024 

If your application is not deemed valid before these dates you will be subject to the BNG requirements.  

Your application will not be deemed as valid without the submission of this information. 

Read our Biodiversity Net Gain, guidance for developers and ecological consultants for the submission requirements.

How to apply

Your application is quicker and easier to validate by submitting it online via the Planning Portal. All elements of each application are complete and in the correct format.  This minimises delays caused by validation issues and leads to more consistent and timely planning decisions.  


Apply for planning permission

Applicants and agents are encouraged to submit applications online via the Planning Portal, this allows us to process your application quicker.  If you choose to submit by an alternative method this can delay the processing/validation of your application by up to 10 working days.

You can use the Planning Portal to apply online.

Registration is easy and you can complete your application form, upload supporting documents and pay.

Apply for planning permission (opens new window)

There are two main types of applications:

  • full planning permission
  • outline planning permission

These are considered as either minor or major planning applications. Get advice about the types of development before applying.

The service you will receive for your planning fee is: 

Post submission presentation of schemeNoYes
Site visitIf requiredYes
Views of internal consulteesYes - guaranteed views on original submission and on one set of amendments. Further requests for amendments and views on those amendments will be at the discretion of officers.  Yes -  guaranteed views on original submission and on one set of amendments. Further requests for amendments and views on those amendments will be at the discretion of officers.
Written comments from Planning Officer on Acceptability of Proposal and opportunity to amend  Yes -  one opportunity to amend the scheme. Further opportunities to amend the scheme will be at the discretion of the officers.  Yes -  one opportunity to amend the scheme. Further opportunities to amend the scheme will be at the discretion of the officers.  
Meetings with officers and consulteesIf requiredYes  - guaranteed one meeting to discuss consultee comments and officer views. Additional meetings at officers discretion 
Target timescalesEight weeks13 weeks

If the submission does not meet planning policy, in most cases, applicants will be given one opportunity to:

  • amend the scheme 
  • provide further information.  

If after these amendments/additional information, the scheme as submitted is still not considered to be acceptable there is no merit in continuing discussions.

The Local Planning Authority reserve the right to refuse the application or recommend its withdrawal.  

Planning Performance Agreements (PPA) can be entered into, prior to the submission of a planning application. They will only be entered into if agreed by all parties involved and there are clear benefits of having a Planning Performance Agreement in place.  

For further information about PPA's go to GOV.UK. (opens new window)

You may also need other types of consent as well as planning permission.