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Planning history search

Planning history search

We can supply a detailed planning history search for a property. If you would like us to search for more than one property on a site you will need to include a map or sketch of the boundary with your application. All applications made since 1983 are available through the Public Access system.

Apply for a planning history search

You can search the planning history of a property yourself using Public Access. (opens new window)

If you need a local land search, most lenders require this as part of the mortgage process, visit Local Land Charges.

We normally provide details of the relevant planning history when responding to a pre-application enquiry.

If a detailed planning history search is required for a specific site, or sites, this information can be provided as a separate service. The charge for this information is based on the officer time required to research the planning history. 

Planning history search fees
CategoryFee including VAT *
Major (over 9 properties in the area)£80
Minor (up to 9 properties in the area)£55
Single dwelling£30

* Please note this is per hour. 

Payment will be needed before we provide the details of the planning history. 

How to pay

The quickest and easiest way to pay is online.

However if you wish to make payment by BACS transfer you can email for the bank details.


Contact us

Development and Public Protection
Civic Centre
Regent Street

0191 433 3150