Moving for health reasons
If you suffer from an illness or disability that means your current home is no longer suitable for your needs, you can apply for medical priority to assist you to move to a more suitable property.
To apply you need to register with Gateshead Home Choice and also fill out a medical application form (PDF, 160 KB)(opens new window). The medical application form can be printed off or you can pick one up from the Civic Centre.
Fill the form out and sign it. This gives us permission to get any further information we may need about your illness/disability from your doctor. Please do not contact your doctor to ask them for a letter to support your housing application. If we need further information we will contact them on your behalf.
All information will be kept strictly confidential.
Return the completed signed form either by uploading to the 'contact us' link at the bottom of the page or by posting to the Civic Centre.
What happens next
There are three levels of medical priority need which may be awarded based on your medical conditions and the suitability of your home for your needs.
- Critical housing need
- Urgent housing need
- Substantial housing need
Medical priority is awarded to alleviate a risk to your health and wellbeing caused by your current housing situation. A general housing need will be awarded for all other applicants that do not have a priority need.
If you qualify for medical priority for rehousing a member of the Health and Housing Team will monitor your bidding to ensure that you are using your priority to bid for suitable properties and will offer you advice and assistance to find a suitable property.
The adaptations team and the medical re-housing team work closely together and individuals are not able to have their home adapted while wishing to re-house.
Contact us
Housing Services
Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street
0191 433 5353