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Safeguarding and Community Safety training

Learning management system

If you are external to the council you must register for a training account, to do so please refer to our how to apply for training webpage.

Training opportunities 

The Training Sub Groups of the Gateshead Safeguarding Children Partnership (GSCP), Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) and Community Safety Board aim to ensure priority areas are supported by appropriate training opportunities for Gateshead Council and Partner Agency employees.

Over the year the training programmes will be developed, as priorities change, or demand increases. It is recommended that you regularly check this page for updates. 

If you work for the Health Service and are due to refresh your Multi-Agency Level 3 training, please check for the * listed next to the course.

Upcoming training opportunities for the following month

Please note this table will be updated each month to summarise what training is upcoming.

29 January 20259.30am to 1pmMulti-agency Safeguarding Children Training Level 3 *
30 January 20251.30 to 2.30pmResponding to Allegations of Abuse Against Professionals/Volunteers Who Work With Children
4 February 20259.30am to 4.30pmDomestic Violence and Abuse - Ask and Action (DAPS Level 2) Face to face
6 February 20259.30am to 1pmSafeguarding Adults Undertaking Enquiries for Provider Services Level 3
12 February 20259.30am to 12.30Executive Dysfunction and the Mental Capacity Act
12 February 20251.30 to 4.30pmPrevent Awareness *
12 February 20259.30am to 4.30pmAn Introduction in to Child and Young People's Mental Health (iCHAM) L3*
13 February 20259.30am to 4pmStalking Awareness, Risk and Support *
17 February 20259.30am to 4.30pmThe Impact of Parental Mental Health
3 April 2025,8 May 2025, 12 June2025, 10 July 20259.30am to 4.30pmDomestic Violence and Abuse - Trusted Professionals (DAPS Level 3) *



Training opportunities for 2024/25

An Introduction in to Child and Young People's Mental Health (iCHAM) L3*
Children Living with Domestic Abuse *
Contextualised Safeguarding *
Domestic Violence and Abuse - Awareness Raising (DAPS Level 1) Face to face
Domestic Violence and Abuse - Ask and Action (DAPS Level 2) Face to face
Domestic Violence and Abuse - Trusted Professionals (DAPS Level 3) *
Drug and Alcohol Awareness *
Effective Child Protection Conferences and Core Groups *
Executive Dysfunction and the Mental Capacity Act
Gateshead MARAC Training
The Impact of Parental Mental Health
Knife Crime Awareness
Multi-agency Safeguarding Children Training Level 3 *
Neglect (Level 3) *
Prevent Awareness *
Responding to Allegations of Abuse Against Professionals/Volunteers Who Work With Children
Safeguarding Adults Reporting Concerns
Safeguarding Adults Undertaking Enquiries (Professionals Level 3)
Safeguarding Adults Undertaking Enquiries for Provider Services Level 3
Safeguarding Babies from Abuse and Neglect *
Safeguarding Children and Child Protection
Stalking Awareness, Risk and Support *


Free training resources

Me Learning online 

CourseRegistration instructions
Cultural Awareness in SafeguardingME Learning online Training (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window)
Hate CrimeME Learning online Training (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window)
Hidden Harm- Parental Substance MisuseME Learning online Training (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window)
NeglectME Learning online Training (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window)
Online Safety Risk to ChildrenME Learning online Training (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window)
Online Safety for Parents and CarersME Learning online Training (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window)
Safeguarding Children Level 1ME Learning online Training (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window)
Safeguarding Children Level 2ME Learning online Training (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window)
Self Harm in Children and Young PeopleME Learning online Training (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window)
Sexual Abuse and Recognising Grooming ME Learning online Training (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window)
Substance MisuseME Learning online Training (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window)


ACT Awareness Training (opens new window)
Prevent Government Training (opens new window)
Zero Suicide Alliance (opens new window)